Abhisek Basu
Visiting Assistant Professor
Phone: 253-535-8233
Email: basu@plu.edu
Office Location:Rieke Science Center - Room 254
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- Ph.D., Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, 2015
- M.Sc., Physics (Major in Electronics), University of Kalyani, 2009
Selected Presentations
- GSA Connects 2022, Talk: High-pressure behavior of layered hydrous minerals (Co-authored), Denver, CO, USA (October 2022)
- AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Poster - Compression behavior of kaolinite (Co-authored), New Orleans, LA, USA (December 2021)
- APS March Meeting 2021, alk - High pressure-temperature behavior of long-chain alkanes., Virtual (March 2021)
Peer Reviewed Journals
- A. Basu, M. Mookherjee, S. Clapp#, S. Chariton, and V. Prakapenka (2023). "High-pressure Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction study of kaolinite." Al2Si2O5(OH)4, Applied Clay Science 245, 245.
- A.Basu, M.Mookherjee, C.Bucag#, S.Tkachev, and B.Wunder (2023). "High-pressure behavior of 3.65 Å phase: Insights from Raman spectroscopy,." American Mineralogist, 108.
Social Media