President Krise’s open letter of support for Muslim community
An executive order signed by President Trump late Friday afternoon immediately barring immigrants and non-immigrant visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. has had immediate effects on scholars and students nationwide. More than 17,000 students in the U.S. come from the seven countries…

An Open Letter on Access for All Students
Dear Campus Community: It has been reported by many reputable news organizations recently that aides are clearing the way for President Donald Trump to take the first steps toward transforming the immigration system possibly as soon as he takes office tomorrow, fulfilling a major campaign…

Dear Campus Community: I am writing to remind you of an invitation I made earlier this semester to participate in the first Listen forum on understanding and responding to implicit bias. The forum will be held this week on Wednesday, December 7, from 3:45-5:00 pm…

What election season reminds us about higher education
Each election cycle I’m reminded of how incredibly multi-disciplinary the responsibilities of our elected officials have become. Similarly, the challenges faced by the leaders of the world’s most successful corporations and NGOs grow ever more global, complex, and nuanced, seemingly by the day. Very few,…

An Open Letter: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Dear Campus Community: This Sunday, November 20th, is the annual observance of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Founded in 1999, TDOR is an opportunity to memorialize the people murdered because of transphobia, and to bring attention to the continued violence and prejudice endured by the…

A Plea for Unity
Dear Campus Community: This election has heightened feelings of alienation, anxiety, and vulnerability, and it has exposed divisions in our society, much deeper than any of us realized. The pain and fear of historically marginalized groups is real, and we must acknowledge it and work…
Opening Remarks for Convocation 2016
2016 CONVOCATION | President’s Remarks | September 6, 2016 On behalf of the whole university community, I welcome all new members of the PLU community: students, faculty, staff, administrators, regents, and the voting members of the PLU Corporation. We’re all delighted that you are part…

The Passing of Thomas Pfeifle
UPDATE: PLU will host a celebration of life for Tom Pfeifle on Sept. 22 in Lagerquist Concert Hall at 6 p.m. The ceremony is one of many ways the campus community is honoring Pfeifle, who was an active member of Outdoor Recreation, as well as the cross…

133 AND COUNTING: The tragic shooting in Orlando and the need for new gun control measures
“The massacre of innocents in Orlando prompts us to pray for those who grieve, to resist homophobia and Islamophobia, and to work diligently for an end to the easy purchase of deadly weapons. A Lutheran university, inspired by the non-violent life and inclusive love of…

Is PLU Lutheran enough? A sermon by Pastor John Rosenberg
The following is a wonderful sermon from Interim Campus Pastor John Rosenberg given at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Browns Point on Sunday, May 29th. Is PLU Lutheran Enough? Now That’s a Good Question ( ) Pastor John Rosenberg’s sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Corvallis,…

Campus Forums on Sexual Assault and Violence
Dear Campus Community: Please join me and the entire PLU campus community for a first in a series of open dialogues on sexual assault and violence on campus in an effort to expand community understanding and advocacy, while also increasing the safety and care of…

“Show Me the Money!” Q&A about salary increases, funding new initiatives, and budget accountability.
In the movie Jerry Maguire , the lead character is an incredibly successful and charismatic sports agent. Jerry has a crisis of conscience one night, after the young son of one of his injured players curses him out. Jerry realizes he’s come to value his…

The ‘L’ is not silent
Recently, I received a letter from a concerned parent and alumna commenting on how completely amazed and surprised she is at how different PLU is now, compared to her time here in the early 1980s. She has since returned to campus many times, but more…
Why Having a “Philosophy of Enrollment” Matters
This spring, the Strategic Enrollment Management Advisory Committee (known as SEMAC) will finalize PLU’s philosophy of enrollment, with the intention to ask our Board of Regents to adopt a final draft statement with enrollment targets in May. (See the current draft here on the Provost…
Our group at the Frederick Lutheran Church, which is celebrating its 350th anniversary this year, making it the oldest Lutheran church in the Western Hemisphere. #lutesawayDr. Nancy Albers-Miller, Dean of the PLU School of Business, and I have been teaching courses on board cruise ships…