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Response to NYT article: ‘Is a Degree Still Worth It? Yes, Researchers Say, and the Payoff Is Getting Better’

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September 5, 2014

During Fall Conference this week, I talked about some of the misconceptions around the student loan debt debate.  In particular, I pointed to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York study that found that the return on investment for all college degrees has held steady at roughly 15% annually for more than a decade, despite rising tuition costs.  To put these findings in perspective, consider that investing in stocks has yielded an annual return of 7% and investing in bonds an annual return of 3% since 1950.  Today, The Chronicle of Higher Education reviewed another study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which also concludes emphatically that the lifetime value of a bachelor’s degree is at an all time high. The researchers estimated that it now takes an average of 10 years to recoup the cost of a college education, whereas in the 1980s, the average recoup time was 23 years. Read on, and let me know what you think.

Is a Degree Still Worth It? Yes, Researchers Say, and the Payoff Is Getting Better | Direct link:

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