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Posted by:
December 6, 2016

Dear Campus Community:

I am writing to remind you of an invitation I made earlier this semester to participate in the first Listen forum on understanding and responding to implicit bias. The forum will be held this week on Wednesday, December 7, from 3:45-5:00 pm in CK West, and is open to all faculty and staff members and all students.

Objectives for the forum are to:

  • Develop a shared definition of, and framework for, understanding implicit bias;
  • Consider the impact of implicit bias on individuals and at PLU;
  • Identify initial strategies for “de-biasing” as individuals and as an institution.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic prior to the forum, please consider completing an implicit bias assessment and engaging the resources offered by and found at:

Please direct any questions to Joanna Royce-Davis,, or Jan Lewis,, co-chairs of the University Diversity Committee, or Jonathan Adams, ’16,, PLU advisor on the Listen campaign.

Thank you for your continued investment in this learning and work.


Thomas W. Krise, Ph.D.
President and Professor of English

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