Know, Ask, Tell

    Help Prevent Suicide on Your Campus

How You Can Help

As many as half of all college students suffer from depression at some point during their university career. Some of these students may feel so overwhelmed or hopeless that they will consider taking their own lives.

The Facts

50% of college students experience depression at some point during their college career. 10% of college students seriously consider committing suicide.

By knowing the warning signs that someone is depressed or suicidal, by showing support and taking the time to ask that person if they are doing ok, and by telling that person where to get help, you can help someone who may be in serious trouble before it is too late.

Know:  The Signs

When someone is depressed and/or suicidal they often show signs that indicate how they are feeling.  Here are some signs to watch for:

  1.     Preoccupation with death or suicide.
  2.     Feeling helpless or worthless.
  3.     Giving away prized possessions.
  4.     Making out a will, making final arrangements.
  5.     Loss of interest in activities/work/school.
  6.     Withdrawal from friends/family, becoming isolated.
  7.     Loss of interest in personal appearances.
  8.     Increased drug/alcohol use.
  9.     Presence of serious depression.
  10.     Previous suicide attempts.
  11.     Difficulty coping with stressful life events.

Ask:  Show You Care

If you notice that someone you know is showing signs that they may be depressed or suicidal, one of the best things that you can do is ask.  Asking someone how they are and letting them know you are concerned about them can help a person to see that they are not alone.  Here are some steps you can follow:

  1.     Ask the person directly if they are thinking about committing suicide.  Do so without judgment or criticism.  Be calm.
  2.     Do not promise to keep a secret.  If someone is at risk, you may need to get help from others.
  3.     Let the person know you care.
  4.     Remember that you are not alone.  There are many resources on campus to help you and the person you are concerned about.

Tell:  Where to get Help

The third step is knowing where to get help and passing that information on.  If you feel that a student is very depressed or is suicidal, here are some resources that are available:

  • For life-threatening emergencies call 911, or call/text 988 for mental health emergencies
  • Contact the PLU Campus Safety Office at 253-535-7911 for immediate assistance
  • Use TimelyCare’s TalkNow option if you want to speak with a counselor today –
  • Contact a Community Director (CD) or a Residence Hall staff person (RA)

If a student seems to be in immediate risk and refuses help, do not leave him or her alone.  It is best to call for help and remain with that person until help arrives.