Frequently Asked Questions

General Procurement

Does the Procurement Office Place Orders?

No, Procurement reviews and approves requisition forms but the department is responsible for purchasing the goods or services.

Do I need approval to make a purchase with a p-card?

Any purchase $10,000 and over requires approval from procurement regardless of how the good or service is being procured.

Do I submit invoices to the Procurement Office?

All invoices should be submitted to Accounts Payable for processing at

What is the waiting period for requisition approval?

For single purchases that do not involve a contract, requestors can expect approval within 1-2 business days. If submissions are incomplete, it will extend the waiting period.

When am I required to send a purchase order to a vendor?

Effective December 2023, you are no longer required to issue a PO to vendors. If a vendor requests a PO, contact Accounts Payable at