Intersections: The Tradition’s Wisdom in a Time of Pandemics

Cover art Cross of Life by Tom Stancliffe
Intersections, Number 52, Fall 2020
Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and teaching within Lutheran higher education. It is published by the NECU, and has its home in the Presidential Center for Faith and Learning at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, the institutional sponsor of the publication. Intersections extends and enhances discussions fostered by the annual Vocation of the Lutheran College Conference, together lifting up the vocation of Lutheran colleges and universities. It aims to raise the level of awareness among faculty, staff, and administration about the Lutheran heritage and church-relatedness of their institutions, especially as these intersect with contemporary challenges, opportunities, and initiatives.
This issue goes right to the heart of our calling to care for and challenge students – even and especially in these difficult days.
Preview essays in this issue with the individual links below:
A New Image for an Ancient Call: Lutheran Higher Education Amidst Pandemics Today
Caryn D. Riswold
Learning from Luther on Covid-19
Carl Hughes
Radical Hospitality on Haunted Grounds: Anti-Racism in Lutheran Higher Education
Krista Hughes
Activism, Justice, and the Danger of Silence
Dezi Gillon
Leadership in Lutheran Key at a Time of Pandemics
Deanna A. Thompson
Through Truth to Freedom – by Way of Reconciliation
Paul Pribbenow
Finding Purpose in Chaos: Reflection In and Beyond the Public Health Classroom
Lena Hann
The Long Pilgrimage of 2020-21
Kara Baylor
Called to Flourish: An Ethic of Care
Mindy Makant
Called to the Moment: A New Vocation for Lutheran Colleges
W. Kent Barnds

Please direct responses to or ideas for Intersections to Jason Mahn, editor ( or to the
new editorial board: Marcia Bunge, Gustavus Adolphus College; Jacqueline Bussie, Concordia College; Krista Hughes, Newberry College; Mindy Makant, Lenoir-Rhyne University; Caryn Riswold, Wartburg College; Martha Stortz, Augsburg University; Deanna Thompson, St. Olaf College; and Marit Trelstad, Pacific Lutheran University.