New American Colleges and Universities Summer Institute to be held at PLU – Call for proposals

The 2018 New American Colleges and Universities (NAC&U) Summer Institute will be held at Pacific Lutheran University June 19-21. The Summer Institute theme is Engaging Civility: Leading Dialogue In and Beyond the University. PLU is excited to welcome colleagues from across NAC&U institutions to campus this summer and we encourage faculty and staff to attend and submit proposals. Registration information will be forthcoming this spring.
Jose Antonio Bowen, 2018 Boyer Award recipient, will give the keynote address and it will be followed by a workshop with Bowen and Eddie Watson, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice President for Quality, Advocacy, and Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) Initiatives.
The NAC&U Summer Institute 2018 will focus on fostering skills to improve civic engagement, with particular emphasis on the role of civil dialogue and will be a continuation of the discussions at last summer’s institute at Valparaiso University. The issues of civility and dialogue are still important and perhaps even more critical today than they were last year. The need for an engaged campus community crosses disciplinary and geographic borders. This boundary crossing reflects NAC&U’s commitment to the integration of professional studies and the liberal arts within the context of purposeful civic engagement, and places that commitment within a frame of purposeful civic engagement.
The January 29 deadline for presentation proposals has been extended and proposals will continue to be accepted until February 19. Presentations may describe existing tools/strategies/approaches useful for leading dialog, or they may engage conference participants in working sessions to develop new projects at their home institutions.