Psychology Student Research Conference

Psychology Student Research Conference
May 16, 2019
4:00-6:30 pm
Anderson University Center
Chris Knutzen Hall
Session 1: 4:00-4:55 p.m.
* PSYC242 Advanced Research Methods Project
It’s for the Greater Good: Do the Results of Morally Ambiguous Studies Sway Perceptions of Unethical Methodologies?
Discrimination in Hiring Practices: The Impact of Gender on Perceived Job Fitness
A Pervasive Preoccupation: An Overview of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Suggested Methods for Support
Cell Phone Salience and Attention: A Replication and Extension of Ward, Duke, Gneezy, and Bos (2017)
Origins and Outcomes: Familial Relationships and Ethnicity as Predictors of Positive Social Behaviors in Adults
Does Valence Framing Affect Perceptions Toward Recreational Substance Use?
False Memories: Online Interviewing of Eyewitness Testimony
Effects of Moral Priming and Visual Cues on Altruistic Responses
Session 2: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
* PSYC242 Advanced Research Methods Project
Born This Way and Fighting to Live: How Prejudice Impacts the Mental Health Outcomes of LGBTQ+ Individuals
How Does Priming of Negative and Positive Information Affect Attitudes Toward Divorce?
Does Media Affect Our Beliefs? How Manipulating Mood Affects Credulity
Quotation Inspiration From Religious Affiliation
Multiracial Identities: Identity and Stereotype Threat
Assessing Sexual Assault Cases: Perceptions of Guilt and Gender Bias
Healing Through Music: Reimagining Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Effects of Self-Esteem on Memory
Honoring Diversity: Women of Color in Psychology and Science
Amber Cooper & Anamaries Garcia Marrero