Welcome to Outdoor Rec!

Outdoor Rec is Pacific Lutheran University’s wilderness adventure club. We lead trips each weekend to scenic places around the Pacific Northwest, rent gear out to the PLU community, and provide the resources necessary for any adventure!


Come see us for office hours at the Columbia Center or email us at outdoor@plu.edu to make an appointment!

Monday: 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Thursday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Friday: 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM

What We're About

Outdoor Rec (OR) is more than a trip–it’s an experience. Each weekend, Lutes from all corners of campus come together to journey outdoors with one another. Whether it’s hiking in the Cascades, kayaking on the Puget Sound, or exploring states near and far, an OR trip is friendship, adventure, laughs, and memories all wrapped up into one incredible experience!

Join Us On a Trip!

It’s easy to sign up for trips! All you have to do is sign up on IMLeagues (use your PLU email address to set up an account).

Get the PLU Rec App!

Get the “PLU Rec” up to easily sign up for OR trips, intramurals, and Group X activities!