COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Hello! We hope you’ve had a great (& safe) summer filled with adventures, outdoor time, and relaxation! School is going to be quite different this fall: hybrid/online classes, increased safety precautions, and reduced numbers of students and on-campus opportunities will make this year unlike anything we’ve experienced before.
At this point, we can share with certainty that there will be no Outdoor Rec (OR) trips during September. This decision was made with the safety of both Lutes and Trip Leaders in mind; September will be a “trial” month for the whole university to get used to hybrid learning. We don’t want to rush into leading trips before safety guidelines are met, so we’ll all have to be patient and flexible until we can resume a normal trip schedule.
While we can’t lead trips for the first month of the new school year, our Rental Program will still be running, so be on the lookout for updated office hours at the Columbia Center (our headquarters, located on Lower Campus by T-Stad). Our prices are quite affordable, so we encourage you to come and check out gear so that you can lead your own adventures during the first month of school.
We strongly encourage you to get out and about (safely) during these first couple weeks of school. Spending time in nature–away from our computer screens–will be more important than ever! Please look at our “Pocket Guide to the PNW” below–it lists outdoor adventures worth checking out! If you ever have any questions about hikes, gear, or things to do, feel free to reach out to us at or shoot us a DM on Instagram (@pluoutdoor_rec).
We appreciate your support and involvement with OR, and look forward to working with and for you in the near future! Stay tuned!
Outdoor Rec

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