Submitting Transcripts to PLU
How do I send my official transcripts to PLU?
Students are responsible for requesting official transcripts* from each prior institution attended. When possible, it is recommended that transcripts are sent electronically through a secure electronic transcript service, delivered to
If sending hard copy transcripts, please have them addressed to:
PLU Office of Admission
12180 Park Ave
Tacoma, WA 98447
For transcripts to be considered official, they must be sent directly to PLU from the awarding institution. Opened, faxed, or emailed copies of official transcripts will not be considered official.
*Links to the transcript request pages of frequent transfer institutions are listed below. If your prior institution is not there, Google the institution name with the word ‘transcript’ (e.g. Pierce College transcript); the transcript ordering page for that institution is typically in the top two results.
Am I a transfer student?
Any student that attempts college-level credit after earning their high school credential (diploma or GED) is considered a transfer student. This includes students who enlisted in the military, as basic training earns college credit.
Students that completed college-level credit while in high school are not considered transfer students. However, official transcripts must be submitted to PLU for those credits. These students are admitted to PLU as First Year students with Advanced Standing.
I completed college credit while I was in high school. Do I need to submit an official transcript?
Yes, an official transcript for any college credit awarded by a college or university must be submitted directly from each awarding institution. College credit cannot be awarded from a high school transcript.
Score reports for credit-by-exam options (i.e. AP or IB) should be submitted for possible college credit when qualifying scores have been earned. Visit our Other Academic Experiences page for more information.
Why are official transcripts required?
Official transcripts are used to verify your academic history, including courses taken and grades and degrees/credentials earned. PLU can only award transfer credit based on official transcripts directly from the awarding institution.
How do my credits transfer to PLU?
All courses evaluated by PLU for transfer are searchable on the PLU Equivalency Guide. If your course is not listed, it just means the credit hasn’t been evaluated yet.
Do my transfer credits impact my PLU GPA?
No, your transfer GPA does not impact your PLU GPA.
How many credits can I transfer to PLU?
A student may transfer a maximum of 96 semester hours. This total includes all forms of transfer credit: AP, IB, CLEP, Cambridge A-Level Exams, military credit, and credit completed at any regionally-accredited prior institution. Of these 96 hours, the maximum transferable credit from a two-year institution is 64 semester hours.
Academic Departments may restrict the number of transfer credits allowed to satisfy major/minor requirements. More information can be found on the respective department page in the Undergraduate Courses and Curricula section of the University Catalog.
How does credit transfer from a college on the quarter system?
Each credit from a quarter-hour college or university is equal to two-thirds of a semester credit, or 0.67 semester hours. (Example: a five-quarter-hour course transfers as 3.33 semester hours).
Most PLU courses are 4 credits. All 4-credit General Education requirements can be satisfied with 2.67 credits, and 1-credit General Education requirements can be satisfied with 0.67 credits. It is at the discretion of academic departments if major/minor requirements can be met this way, or if additional credits must be completed to satisfy the requirements.
Will PLU accept my transfer degree?
Admitted students who complete the Direct Transfer Associate degree (DTA) from an accredited Washington state community college, the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree (AAOT) from an accredited Oregon community college, or an Associate in Art for Transfer degree (AA-T) from an accredited California community college before matriculation at PLU will be granted junior standing and will have satisfied all General Education Program elements except for three requirements: The Academic Study of Religion (four semester hours), Global Engagement (four semester hours), and the Culminating Experience (one to four semester hours).
Junior standing is also automatically granted for students who complete the Associate of Science-Transfer (AS-T) from an accredited Washington state community college or an accredited California community college before matriculation at PLU. Courses are evaluated and awarded individually and do not guarantee all but three General Education Program elements are met.
What courses will be accepted as transfer credit by PLU?
College-level courses completed at an institution with regional accreditation will transfer, provided the course is similar in level, scope and content to courses offered at PLU and a grade of 2.5/C- or higher is earned.
PLU does not accept transfer credit from institutions with only National accreditation.
Does PLU accept International credits?
PLU does accept International college-level credits. For possible credit, a foreign credential evaluation must be completed by one of the organizations accredited by AICE or NACES. An official report should be sent directly to PLU in lieu of an official transcript from the International institution(s).
Are there any courses that won’t transfer to PLU?
The following types of coursework are not transferable to PLU:
- Vocational, technical or training courses.
- Professional courses (e.g. law, medicine, dentistry, nursing)
- Credit that is not academic in nature, such as apprenticeships, internships, or workforce development/training.
- Remedial or pre-college coursework (e.g. pre-algebra).
- Courses completed with a grade lower than 1.5/C-. (These courses are calculated into your transfer GPA used for Admission purposes.)
- Courses from institutions or organizations that do not carry Regional Accreditation.
Courses that are considered non-transferable are not calculated into a student’s transfer credit count or transfer GPA.
Do my college credits expire?
PLU awards transfer credit for any qualifying coursework completed at any time. However, some majors may require coursework to have been completed within a certain time frame to meet major or minor requirements (e.g. BIOL prerequisites for the Nursing program must be completed no more than 6 years prior).
When are transcripts evaluated?
Transcripts received as part of an admission application are evaluated once the application is complete. An official evaluation is completed by the Office of the Registrar evaluation team to calculate total transferable semester credits and cumulative transfer GPA, which is then used by the Office of Admission to make an admission decision.
Transcripts submitted by a current PLU student are evaluated within 5 business days of PLU receiving the transcript. The student is notified via PLU email the outcome of that evaluation and if any changes have been made to the student’s transfer record.
Who decides how my credit transfers to PLU?
Credit evaluations are performed by the evaluator staff of the Registrar’s Office by reviewing catalog course descriptions from the awarding institution and comparing them to the PLU curriculum. Transfer courses that closely match the descriptions of courses taught at PLU are reviewed by a faculty chair of the respective academic department.
Can I appeal a transfer credit evaluation?
If you believe one of your transfer courses should apply differently to your PLU academic record and you have additional information to provide (e.g. a course syllabus) that may change the outcome of your course evaluation, submit a Transfer Credit Appeal.
What does transfer credit look like on my record?
Awarded transfer credit is listed on your CAPP report and at the beginning of your PLU transcripts (official and unofficial). Your transfer grade will include a ‘T’ to indicate it is a transfer course (i.e. TA).
Coursework that is determined to be a direct equivalent to a PLU course will appear on your record as the PLU course number, but with a ‘T’ grade. Coursework that is determined to be transferable, but does not have a PLU equivalent, is awarded as elective credit that appears as a TR number (100TR / 200TR / 300TR / 400TR) and will apply toward the total number of credits required for graduation. TR courses may meet general education and major or minor requirements when applicable.
Can I transfer credit to PLU after I’ve already started at PLU?
Yes, current PLU students may complete coursework at another institution while enrolled at PLU. Once your course(s) are graded, send your official transcript to the PLU Office of the Registrar ( Please note: transfer degrees (DTA, AAOT, or AA-T) earned after enrolling at PLU are not eligible for the general education package that automatically satisfies all but 3 gen ed requirements.
Can I use transfer credit to repeat a course I attempted at PLU?
Yes, you may repeat a course at another institution to replace your PLU attempt. Please note, your transfer GPA will not count toward your PLU GPA, but your PLU grade will be excluded from your cumulative PLU GPA. Repeating the course also replaces any earned credit from your PLU attempt; you will not earn additional credit for the repeat.
College and University Transcript Order Links
Below are links to the transcript request pages of frequent transfer institutions. If your prior institution(s) is not listed here, Google the institution name with the word ‘transcript’ (e.g. Pierce College transcript); the transcript ordering page for that institution is typically in the top two results.
(P) = Parchment; (NSC) = National Student Clearinghouse
Air University (includes Community College of the Air Force) (P)
Joint Services Transcript (all branches except Air Force)
Bellevue College (P)
Bellingham Technical College (P)
Big Bend Community College (NSC)
Cascadia College (NSC)
Centralia College (NSC)
Clark College (P)
Clover Park Technical College (P)
Edmonds College (NSC)
Highline College (P)
Lake Washington Institute of Technology (NSC)
North Seattle College (NSC)
Olympic College (P)
Peninsula College (NSC)
Pierce College (P)
Seattle Central College (NSC)
Shoreline Community College (P)
South Puget Sound Community College (NSC)
South Seattle College (NSC)
Spokane Community College (NSC)
Spokane Falls Community College (NSC)
Central Washington University (P)
Eastern Washington University (NSC)
Gonzaga University (NSC)
Heritage University (NSC)
Northwest Indian College (NSC)
Seattle Pacific University (NSC)
Seattle University (NSC)
The Evergreen State College (P)
University of Washington – all campuses (P)
Washington State University (P)
Whitman College (P)
California State University System
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University Humboldt
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
California State University Bakersfield
California State University Channel Islands
California State University Chico
California State University Dominguez Hills
California State University East Bay
California State University Fresno
California State University Fullerton
California State University Long Beach
California State University Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University Monterey Bay
California State University Northridge
California State University Sacramento
California State University San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos
California State University Stanislaus
University of California System
Private Colleges and Universities
This list is not comprehensive of all CA private colleges and universities.
California Institute of Technology
California Lutheran University
Dominican University of California
Point Loma Nazarene University
Saint Mary’s College of California
Blue Mountain Community College (NSC)
Central Oregon Community College (NSC)
Chemeketa Community College (P)
Clackamas Community College (P)
Columbia Gorge Community College (P)
Klamath Community College (NSC)
Lane Community College (NSC)
Linn-Benton Community College (NSC)
Mt. Hood Community College (P)
Oregon Coast Community College (NSC)
Portland Community College (P)
Southwestern Oregon Community College (NSC)
Tillamook Bay Community College (NSC)
Treasure Valley Community College (P)
Umpqua Community College (NSC)
Linfield University (NSC)
Pacific University (NSC)
Reed College (P)
Southern Oregon University (P)
University of Portland (NSC)