Should You Consider a Complementary Major in Religion?

The B.A. in Religion complements other areas study, helping students develop skills of analysis and critical thinking essential to all aspects of life. Students’ work in Religion informs what they do elsewhere, providing space for deep reflection and guidance as they seek to care for people, their communities, and the earth.

"Are you inspired by thoughtful, ethical leadership? Consider combining a Religion major with a major in Business, a minor in Non-Profit Leadership, or PLU's Pre-Law Preparation program"
"Do you feel called to care for others? Are you drawn to the healing professions? Consider combining a Religion major with a major in Kinesiology, Psychology, or Social Work"
"Do you love science, and also want to think deeply and ethically about the way we live? Consider combining a Religion major with a major in Biology, Geosciences, Environmental Studies, or Philosophy"
"Are you called to teach? Are you passionate about education? Consider combining a Religion major with PLU's one-year Master of Arts in Education"
"Are you passionate about social justice, and want to change the world for good? Consider combining a Religion major with a major in Global Studies, Environmental Studies, Communication, or Hispanic Studies"
"Do you love the arts? Are you driven to connect your creativity with spiritual reflection? Consider combining a Religion major with a major in Writing, Music, Art, or Art History"