Major in Religion
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The B.A. in Religion requires 32 credit hours.
Of these:
- At least 16 credit hours will be 300-level courses or RELI 495: Internship.
- At least 8 credit hours will be housed in each of the two lines: Christian Traditions (RC) and Global Religious Traditions (RG)
- 4 credit hours will be fulfilled through RELI 499: Capstone Seminar.
- Transfer students must take at least 20 hours of Religion coursework at PLU
The Bachelor of Arts degree in religion allows for flexibility: consult with the department chair to consider the best plan of study for you.
What Does ``RC`` and ``RG`` Mean?
- Christian Traditions (RC) courses examine diverse forms of Christianity within their historical, cultural and political contexts.
- Global Religious Traditions (RG) highlights PLU’s commitment to local-global education through analysis of diverse religions, both here and abroad.
The Religion Capstone
In RELI 499, capstone students develop a substantial intellectual project and present their work publicly.
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