Micah Miller
Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion

Phone: 253-535-7784
Email: micah.miller@plu.edu
Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 220-F
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- Biography
- Ph.D., Religion, Emory University, 2019
- M.A., Theological Studies, Saint Louis University, 2013
- B.A., Theological Studies & English, Saint Louis University, 2011
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Early Christianity, Ante-Nicene Christianity, Early Trinitarian Theology
- Origen of Alexandria and the Theology of the Holy Spirit (Oxford Early Christian Studies) (Oxford University Press 2024) : View Book
Selected Articles
- Miller, Micah M . "Origen’s Titles of Christ: The Epinoiai (ἐπίνοιαι) and Power Causality." St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 66, nos. 1-2 2022: 11-38.
- Miller, Micah M . "The Auto-X Attributes of the Father and the Son in Origen." Journal of Theological Studies 73, no. 1 2022: 132-166.
- Miller, Micah M . "The Unity and Multiplicity of the Holy Spirit in Origen of Alexandria." Vigiliae Christianae 75, no. 3 2021: 278-302.
- Miller, Micah M. "What's in a Name?: Titles of Christ in Justin Martyr." Studiea Patristica 93 2017: 155-164.
Micah Miller is a teacher and scholar of the history of Christianity. Both his teaching and his research attempt to understand Christian ideas and practices within their original context. He teaches courses in early and medieval Christian history. His research examines the development of early Christian doctrines regarding the Trinity, Christ, and the Holy Spirit with special attention to Jewish and philosophical influences.
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