PLU Accessibility and Accommodation Housing
Pacific Lutheran University encourages students to plan for housing that will help them achieve their academic goals and learn the responsibilities of living in a community. While many students perceive a benefit from having a single room or apartment, PLU has limitations on housing space that impact the number of single living options available at any given time. Because some students have unique medical or psychological needs that may impact on-campus living options, a process is in place to assist them with requesting special need-based housing arrangements.
Students who wish to apply for a need-based housing accommodation must submit the following information through the Accessibility and Accommodation Application through eRezLife. The information and documents described below will be submitted/attached through this online application. Please read through the information below before starting your online application:

Students that are approved for accommodations are not required to renew previously approved accommodations each year. Students who are approved for specific housing accommodations through the Accessibility and Accommodation process will be approved indefinitely upon their initial approval by Campus Life. However, students who are qualified for Emotional Support Animals (ESA) will be required to renew their ESA Agreement and submit updated vaccination records each year to be fully approved to have their animal on campus. Students who fail to complete an ESA Agreement for the academic year will not be permitted to have their ESA on campus with them upon move-in.
Students are only approved indefinitely for accommodations approved by Campus Life. Students who are seeking new or additional accommodations with previously approved accommodations must complete a new Accessibility and Accommodation Application on eRezLife.
What do additional accommodations include?
Additional accommodations may include but is not limited to:
- Requesting a private bathroom or kitchen to a previously approved single room accommodation
- Requesting an ESA accommodation to a previously approved single room accommodation
- Requesting a single room accommodation to a previously approved ESA accommodation
Please note that all new accommodations requests will require updated documentation from your provider recommending the additional accommodations you are requesting.
The medical documentation must:
1. be prepared by a licensed professional (e.g., nurse practitioner, physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, etc.). The documentation must be on professional letterhead, signed, dated, and include the licensed professional’s title, address, and phone number. It must provide a range of dates for which care was provided relating to this diagnosis.
2. be current. The documentation should be recent, preferably within the last 3-6 months, depending on the nature of the condition.
3. present clear and specific evidence which identifies:
a. the student’s needs;
b. their present level of functioning; and
c. how the student’s health, academic performance, and/or activities of daily living may be impacted if the request is not met.
The relationship between the student’s needs and the requested action must be identified. Specific needs related to single rooms, bathroom facilities or location within a building should be specifically addressed in this documentation.
When you log into eRezLife, under FORMS, select the Accessibility and Accommodation Application.
Please note: Even if the committee finds a student qualified for their requested accommodations, Pacific Lutheran University can only offer the student spaces that are currently available at the time the application is submitted and approved.
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