Request for use of candles, incense or smudging for religious/cultural practice in PLU residence halls
PLU is committed to honoring the cultural and religious practices of students, including Smudging for our Native American and Indigenous students, and incense burning and candle lighting as a component of religious/cultural practice.
Smudging involves the burning of sacred herbs or resins in ceremony. For Native peoples, smudging is an important part of connecting to their ancestors, circle, and themselves. The opportunity to engage this cultural and spiritual practice on campus encourages a form of self care and healing and minimizes the culture erasure many Native students experience.
Students requesting the limited use of candles, incense or the burning of sacred herbs or resins in a residence hall as a part of their religious or cultural practices must be pre-approved by the Department of Campus Life. Students seeking approval should send an email request to Campus Life ( responding to the following prompts:
- Name
- Student ID#
- Academic Term(s) for which you are requesting this accommodation
- Residence Hall and Room #
- Do you have a roommate(s)? If yes, are they aware and supportive of this request?
- Describe the religious/cultural practice you are requesting to implement in a residence hall. Please include responses to the following questions:
- Is this a new practice for you, or one that has been a part of your experience? How does it fit within your overall religious, spiritual or cultural practices?
- Describe the candle(s), incense or smudging material you are seeking to use.
- When and how often are you proposing to do this practice? Is this a one time or regular practice?
- Where in your room or apartment will this take place?
- Describe your fire safety plan. Refer to Fire Safety Expectations below.
- If your requested practice involves strong scents or smoke, how do you propose to mitigate the impact on your residential community (e.g. open windows, use of fan(s), blocking gap under hallway door)?
These questions are not intended to challenge or limit the practice, but are intended to provide understanding and assist with developing an approach that honors one’s religious/cultural practices while also maintaining a safe living environment for all and limiting potential negative impact on the community.
Any student with concerns or questions related to the prompts or expectations is encouraged to request a meeting to discuss their needs and concerns prior to completing the request.
Fire Safety Expectations
- All PLU residence hall fire safety policies will be followed unless prior written approval for accommodation is received from the Department of Campus Life. In the event an accommodation is granted, it will include specific steps that must be adhered to related to the practice.
- Smoke detectors and fire alarms will never be disabled by a student for any reason, including religious/cultural practice. Should the temporary disabling of a smoke detector be determined necessary, only authorized university personnel, arranged by Campus Life, will perform the disabling and re-enabling of the detector with a set time for re-enabling to be agreed upon.
- Any combustible material (candle/incense/smudge) must be placed in a non-combustible container (such as metal, ceramic, or shell) while it is burning. If the non-combustible container is placed on a surface while the material is still burning, the container will be placed on a solid, non-combustible surface.
- A fire safety plan must include:
- a method for completely extinguishing the burning material, when the practice is completed, such as a bucket of water
- the location of the nearest fire alarm pull station
- the location of the nearest fire extinguisher
- knowledge of how to use the extinguisher
- knowledge of the Campus Safety Emergency line (253.535.7911)
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