The Story Behind the Six Word Story—in His Own Words
When choosing which college to attend, it was important to me to find a school that reflected my Lutheran upbringing and would allow me to follow my dream…becoming a dentist!
I had a phenomenal pediatric dentist in Vancouver, Wash.: Dr. Peter Lubisich. His care for children inspired me to do the same.
I grew up knowing that I wanted to work with kids. I loved their inquisitiveness, their innocence and their wide-eyed view of the world. I felt that I had the proper disposition to dedicate my life to helping kids and serving my community, and dreamed of doing that through dentistry.
About The Author
- Hometown: Washougal, Wash.
- PLU Degree: Bachelors of Art in Education/Special Education and Master of Arts in Education/School Leadership.
- Now: Leifsen is the principal of Ferrucci Junior High School in Puyallup, Wash.

I quickly realized that medicine was not going to be my path to serving my community and bettering the lives of children, but rather, becoming an educator would afford me the real opportunity to impact my community.
Once immersed in the School of Education, my passions were ignited. Through my pre-service work and subsequent career in education, I have seen over and over again the unique opportunity I have been blessed with to help those who are underserved, to meet the unique needs of students and families and to shape the future of my community.
I’m proud to be a Lute, and proud to be an educator. Without my opportunities at PLU, my dreams would be just that…dreams. I now feel prepared to follow my passions, and hopefully inspire others to do the same.