Barot Named to Another Prestigious Post

Featured / September 1, 2014
By Sandy Deneau Dunham
Rick Barot—recently named the new director of PLU’s Rainier Writing Workshop—now has been named the new Poetry Editor of the prestigious New England Review.

“Rick is not only an accomplished poet, but he is also a devoted reader and teacher of poetry with wide-ranging taste and vision,” editor Carolyn Kuebler wrote on the NER website.

His colleagues at PLU agree wholeheartedly.

“Professor Barot’s appointment as poetry editor of the New England Review is evidence of the respect with which he is viewed among serious readers and writers of poetry,” said James Albrecht, Dean of the Division of Humanities. “Rick is a widely published poet (with his third collection of poems due out soon), and he’s been the recipient of honors for both his poetry and his essay writing. PLU is so lucky to have a writer of Rick’s talent—and growing national stature—to take over the leadership of our very successful MFA program in Creative Writing.”

NER, founded in 1978, publishes “challenging and inviting” new fiction, poetry and nonfiction from a broad spectrum of viewpoints and genres.

Professor Barot’s appointment as poetry editor of the New England Review is evidence of the respect with which he is viewed among serious readers and writers of poetry”

“New England Review has a long, distinguished history, and it’s a tremendous honor to be able to contribute to that history,” Barot said. “In the same way that an undergraduate institution like PLU supports and champions its students, a literary magazine like New England Review identifies strong literary voices and gives them a place to be heard.”

Barot has served as a reader for NER—and a contributor—over the years and begins his new post in September.

“When I was a young poet, before I had publishing success of any kind, New England Review published my poetry and gave me the kind of encouragement that a young writer needs to push forward,” Barot said. “I hope to be able to do that for excellent younger poets. I also hope to showcase the work of the many established poets who are making American poetry the most vital poetry being written in the world at the moment.”

Sandy Deneau Dunham has worked as a reporter, a copy editor and an editor and team leader for The Phoenix Gazette, The (Tacoma) News Tribune and The Seattle Times, and as Communications Manager for Town Hall Seattle. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has volunteered at the Washington Soldiers Home & Colony (and maintained the website since 2009.


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