Benson Lecture
Oct. 17
Brad Tilden, alumnus and CEO of Alaska Airlines, will present the 13th annual Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History in the Scandinavian Cultural Center at 7:30 p.m.

Knutson Lecture
Nov. 7
Ulrich Duchrow, professor of theology at the University of Heidelberg, will present the lecture titled “The Oppressed Luther — His Biblical Critique of Capitalism” in Lagerquist Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Veterans Day Celebration
Nov. 10
PLU’s annual Veterans Day Celebration will feature a musical performance by the PLU Brass Quintet, a posting of the colors by the Lute Battalion Color Guard, a prayer and benediction by University Pastor Rev. Jen Rude, and a short address by special guest Major General Raymond W. Coffey, USAVR.

Christmas Concerts
Dec. 2-4, 8-9
Join us for one of the most beloved holiday traditions in the Northwest, as The Choir of the West, University Chorale and University Symphony Orchestra presents “Gloria” — PLU’s annual Christmas concert. Works by Gustav Holst, Ralph Vaughan Williams and Randol Bass will be mixed with traditional carols and seasonal favorites as we celebrate the glory, hope and peace of the Christmas season. Click below for details on performances at PLU and Benaroya Hall in Seattle.