One of the best bonuses of a truly major milestone—such as, oh … let’s say, a certain awesome university’s 125th anniversary—is that you get an entire year to anticipate and celebrate it.
We have not wasted a day. (Although it did take us several hours to master the pronunciation and spelling of quasquicentennial, the official term for a 125th.)
So, we’re bringing a special edition of ResoLUTE to the party.
Our vision for this issue is a yearbook—or, better yet, a 125-year-book—that showcases PLU highlights old and new. From the biggest of the Big Names (ever) on Campus to a virtual trophy case full of athletic achievements, and from 125 cool and quirky objects that collectively tell the story of PLU to one particular story you won’t find anywhere else (a behind-the-scenes look at the higher-than-high-profile May 23 visit of His Majesty King Harald V of Norway), this special edition of ResoLUTE serves as a commemorative collection of true Lutedom.
It also serves as a party favor, in a sense: Inside the print edition of this issue (let us know if you need one!), you’ll find your very own cut-out-and-wear paper beard, in honor of PLU’s second annual Bjug Harstad Day of Giving. (You can see by the accompanying photo that the Bjug Beard is a fun AND attractive accessory!) Last year, Lutes everywhere sported the beards—and supported PLU—in honor of our intrepid founder. We hope you’ll join the party.
There’s a lot of celebration yet to come.
Welcome to ours.