Each fall, we welcome new students to our campus. The Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations extends a special welcome to our Legacy Lutes – those students whose parent(s) attended PLU. We recognize this extra commitment to their alma mater and are thrilled to have their children carry on their legacy. Please note that only the parents who attended PLU are listed below.
Winter 2017
Kenneth Ake
Cari (Dennery) Ake ’99
Logan Albert
Courtney Albert ’01
Aaron Bailey
Stacie VanDePutte ’90, ‘93
Michael Berge
Paul Berge ’86 and Laura (Whitworth) Berge ’87
Logan Black
Jodi Black ’91
Emily Bond
Vo Bond ’96
Alexander Brost
Troy Brost ’92 and Cheryl (Kragness) Brost ’93
Nicholas Brundage
Seth Spidahl ’96
Andraya Conger
Robin (Eckert) Conger ’87
Nathan Couch
Aaron Couch ’79
Sarah Cornell-Maier
Benjamin Maier ’91 and Lisa Cornell ’90
Keaton Craft
Carol (Medley) Craft ’87
Nicholas Demers
Eric Demers ’93
Samuel Driver
Margo (Blecha) Driver ’76
Rebekah Dumestre
Gretchen (Geldaker) Dumestre ’84
Dawson Faker
Anna (Eklund) Faker ’92
Jayson Fatur
Catherine (Bennette) Fatur ’79
Megan Finley
Paul Finley ’90 and Julie (Stenersen) Finley ’91
Elise Freund
Krista (Brown) Freund ’96
Kietra Frey
Karen (Mulkey) Frey ’88
Kerstin Holl Gillespie
Jack Holl ’59 and Jacqueline (Olsen) Holl ’62
Holden Gjuka
Joel Gjuka ’99
Julianne Golding
Janice (Deck) Golding ’91
John Halsey
Carol (Rybak) Halsey ’90
Samantha Hoskins
Kristine (Kvale) Hoskins ’84
Alexander Jones
Thomas Jones ’86 and Heidi (Emerson) Jones ’85
Brian Julian
Conrado Julian ’13 and Adriana Julian ’07
Daniel Kaiser
Carl Kaiser ’76
Griffin Kees
Matthew Kees ’93
Hannah Lantz
Darrel Lantz ’93 and Karra Kimple ’87
Michael Larson
David Larson ’83 and Jennifer Larson ’84
Bill Le
Dung Le ’04
Erica Lee
Karen (Swanson) Lee ’88
Emma Lund
Gregory Lund ’79 and Denise (Christianson) Lund ’80
Emma Mack
Crista (Starwich) Mack ’91
Emily Madsen
Samuel Madsen ’80
Samuel Martinson
David Martinson ’90 and Kristin (Ford) Martinson ’92
Elijah Mathew
Jacob Mathew ’88 and Theresa (Wallace) Jenkins ’87
Max Matunis
Erika (Mortenson) Matunis ’86
Hannah McAllister
Vermont McAllister ’89
Millicent McBride
James McBride ’90 and Krista (Stewart) McBride ’90
Christopher McGraw
Jodi (Murphy) McGraw ’94
Adrian Milanio
Mary (Vallarta) Milanio ’02
Meghan Moor
Scott Moor ’91 and Kristine (Barry) Moor ’92
Samantha Morris
Karen Morris ’05
Janson Pederson
Bradley Pederson ’83
Talia Pernorio
Lorinda Pernorio ’93
Alexandre Raphael
Dawn (Lamont) Holman ’94
Ian Rice
Joan Sorensen Rice ’85
Nathaniel Sager
Scott Sager ’91 and Julie (Vraspir) Sager ’91
Madison Sanders
Michelle Payne-Sanders ’88
Kirsten Schuele-Vanaken
Katherine Van Aken ’88
Liam Sigman
Erin McGinnis ’90
Danielle Skibiel
John Skibiel ’90 and Angena (Miller) Skibiel ’91
Spencer Smith
Roger Smith ’90
Stephanie Smith
Jennifer (Grigsby) Smith ’83
Andrew Spangler
Timothy Spangler ’88 and Lisa (De Bell) Spangler ’89
Nicholas Spangler
Rita (Larsen) Spangler ’84
Natalie Steinert
Thomas Steinert ’95 and Angela (McAfee) Steinert ’91, ’12
Kellie Stephens Jackson
Kristena (Sherley) Jackson ’86
Erik Straume
Steven Straume ’82
Ingrid Straume
Arvid Straume ’86 and Liza Vemo-Straume ’90
Kelsey Van Ogle
Leslie (Fogde) Van Ogle ’87
Maria Wallace
Jack Wallace ’81 and Elizabeth (Constantino) Wallace ’84
Jakob Waters
William Waters ’01 and Gail (Tuvey) Waters ’95
Abigail Welch
Deborah (Anderson) Welch ’87
Bronte Wetherington
John Wetherington ’92 and Katherine Schultz-Wetherington ’83
Emma Williams
Mary Forslund ’97
Joseph Williams
Thomas Williams ’93
Daniel Yadon
Laura Yadon ’11
Jaisen Zurfluh
Jon Zurfluh ’82