The 2022 Wang Center Symposium has come to a close
Thank you to all those who attended, as well as to everyone who helped make this event happen!
Missed it?
Watch a collection of recorded talks here:
Healing: Pathways for Restoration and Renewal
March 9-10, 2022
Virtual Event, Free Admission, Open to the Public
This event explores the concept of healing in the broadest sense as: “Healing is an intervention, an outcome, and a process, and at times, all three. It also describes an ability or power, energy, and cleansing of grief, trouble, or evil. The concept is relevant in a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, nursing, psychology, public health, education, religion, and spirituality. Healing occurs in multiple dimensions—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, familial, social, communal, and environmental. Healing occurs at multiple levels from the micro level, as cellular wound healing, to the macro level, as in national and global healing.” See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4653605/
Benson Lecture
The Sixteenth Annual Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History took place as a part of this year’s symposium, with Justin Spelhaug.
Speakers and Panels
See a detailed panels list and bios of the 10th Biennial Wang Center Symposium speakers.
The Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education
Working collaboratively with academic units and campus partners of Pacific Lutheran University, the Wang Center is dedicated to supporting faculty, students and staff with the resources necessary to advance PLU’s distinction and vision for global education of “educating to achieve a just, healthy, sustainable and peaceful world” through faculty development and grant opportunities, delivery of study away programs, on-campus programming on pressing world issues, and a commitment to best practices when engaging with partners, both locally and globally.