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  • September 22, 2008 Feminist theology and ethics explored An expert on feminist theology, feminist ethics and theological anthropology will deliver the 2008 David and Marilyn Knutson and Department of Religion Lecture at Pacific Lutheran University. Susan Ross will speak on “Seeking Light and Beauty: Women, Justice and Sacramentally” on Monday, Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in Xavier Hall, Nordquist Lecture Hall, off Park Avenue South. Ross is a professor of theology and faculty scholar at Loyola

  • Cover art by  Diego B. Lasansky Intersections, Number 46, Fall 2017 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning,…

    of publication; moving to Capital University) Celebrating the Reformation: The Lutheran Foundation of a Called Life by Mark D. Tranvik (Augsburg University) Reforming Our Visions of City Nature by Lea F. Schweitz (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago) Both Priest and Beggar: Luther Among the Poor by Martha E. Stortz (Augsburg University) In the Beginning of the Reformation Was the Word by George Connell (Concordia College) Luther’s Sutra: An Indian, Subaltern (Dalit) Perspective by Surekha

  • July 31, 2010 Hebrew Idol showcases a different view of the Bible, theology By Chris Albert According to Assistant Professor of Religion Antonios Finitsis, there’s one real advantage to teaching a religion course: Nobody really knows all it entails. “They think religion is confined,” he said. “People do not expect religion to be so pervasive.” Religion is too big to be isolated on the pages of books. “No,” Finitsis said, “it’s all over the place.” Case and point: Finitsis’ Religion 211 course

  • Unique and Nifty Interest in Cautiously Yet Courageously Learning an Exquisitely Radical Skill). So Tyson brought his unicycle from his hometown of Cordova, Alaska. And he started riding around campus. First, it was to and from church. Then, more places. Soon, it was hard to see Tyson on campus when he’s not on his unicycle – he even wore his tire out. And he thought to himself, “why can’t I teach others to ride, as well?” So he started a club. The L.U.N.I.C.Y.C.L.E.R.S. (Lutes with a Unique and

  • September 12, 2011 Nicolette Paso ’09 is now studying at Emory University for her master’s degree in divinity. Nicolette Paso: A journey of discovery By Barbara Clements For Nicolette Paso ’09, there was never really a choice. “I did not choose to be a religion major; religion grasped me,” said Paso this year, as she began her studies at Emory University in Atlanta to pursue a master’s of divinity. “Through classes at PLU, I became acquainted with Lutheran theology, especially [the theology of

  • in trouble and how might his insights sustain human care for this wounded earth? Torvend holds the University Chair in Lutheran Studies and teaches church history at PLU. Torvend will speak at 3 p.m. Professor Daniel Peterson Jesus Christ as the site of God’s demise: A radical Lutheran Christology for the None Zone The None Zone is a place where religion has been transfigured: “spiritual but not religious” is its creed; individual “harmony and happiness” its goal. The most radical strain of

  • Hughes Just Communities: From Liberal Arts in Prison to Radical Healing Over Zoom Monica Smith Caught in a Place Between Caesar and God Darrel D. Colson Hospitality to the Wild Laura Hartman From the Editor Jason Mahn View the Full Issue Online Please direct responses to or ideas for Intersections to Jason Mahn, editor ( or to editorial board: Marcia Bunge, Gustavus Adolphus College; Jacqueline Bussie, Concordia College; Krista Hughes, Newberry College; Mindy Makant, Lenoir

  • Classroom Martha E. Stortz Seeing in a New Way: A Meditation Rev. Kara Baylor Conciliatory and Queer: the Radical Love of Lutheran Higher Education Kiki Kosnick and Sharon Varallo Book Review – The American Myth of White Supremacy: A Review of Myths America Lives By Susan VanZanten Other – Twenty-Sixth Annual Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education Conference From the Publisher Mark Wilhelm From the Editor Jason Mahn View the Full Issue Online Interested in contributing to Intersections with your own

  • celebrate Women’s History Month by “commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.” ( List of books on display: Hearts of Our People : Native Women Artists Kicking Center : Gender and the Selling of Women’s Professional Soccer Jewish Radical Feminism : Voices from the Women’s Liberation Movement Contemporary Black Women Filmmakers and the Art of Resistance Being Muslim : a Cultural History of Women

  • October 15, 2014 Q&A With Rev. Dr. Monica A. Coleman Knutson Lecturer Plans Provocative Talk on the Intersection of Religion and Culture By Taylor Lunka ’15 PLU Marketing & Communications Student Worker Pastor, scholar and activist Rev. Dr. Monica Coleman, one of the brightest lights in womanist/black theology, will deliver the 2014 David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture at PLU on Oct. 22. How bright is her light? The interdenominational preaching magazine The African American Pulpit named Coleman