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  • October 20, 2008 PLU fleet on the move to green power PLU’s fleet of automobiles and maintenance vans are on the move. They are, of course, moving up and down campus, providing transportation as part of Campus Safety’s “Safe Ride” program, or moving groundskeepers and maintenance workers (plus all their equipment!) around campus. The PLU fleet is also on the move – moving away from gasoline and towards becoming a largely electric or gasoline-electric hybrid service vehicles. It is a move by the

  • April 3, 2008 SOAC Week highlights creativity, tradition The School of Arts and Communication Week kicked off with a showing of student Andrea Calcagno’s documentary about global climate change, and performances by saxophonist Jamie Rottle and vocalists Kari Liebert, Morgan Ostendorf and Maggie Smith. The annual event spanned a week in April and featured speakers, panels, workshops and performances. Under the theme “SOAC Week: Creative Community Building on Tradition,” the activities

  • short-tempered, highly engaging review does a side-by-side comparison of Austen’s language and the film’s. For my own part, I confess that I am with Cassandra Austen, not known for complimenting her novel-writing younger sister, in my admiration of this novel’s prose. After all, Austen describes Anne this way: “She has been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequence of an unnatural beginning.” Cassandra says what many of us feel about this line

  • Introduction Posted by: alex.reed / May 26, 2022 May 26, 2022 By Kevin J. O’Brien, Dean of HumanitiesSpring, 2022This issue marks an important transition for the Division of Humanities. As of this summer, the Humanities programs —English, Languages & Literatures, the Language Resource Center, the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, the Parkland Literacy Center, Philosophy, and Religion— will merge with others to form a new College of Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Social

  • fact a deep part of cultural identity—both personal and societal,” said Dr. Youtz. This course introduces students to the role of music (and allied art forms) in Trinidadian history and culture, and the ways that education promotes both unity and diversity of cultural expression. Trinidad is a post-colonial society with heritage communities from Africa, India, China, Venezuela, Portugal, Lebanon, France and England. Carnival music and masquerade were expressions of creative resistance by enslaved

  • Horn & Fixed Media Premiere at Octave 9 in Seattle Posted by: Reesa Nelson / October 5, 2022 October 5, 2022 Professor of Music Dr. Gina Gillie recently premiered her first electroacoustic music composition at Seattle Symphony’s Octave 9. Titled “Pale Blue Dot for solo horn and fixed media,” the piece is inspired by the 1991 photograph taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft as well as Carl Sagan’s prose reflecting on the image. In the photo, Earth appears as a single pixel – “a mote of dust

  • their ability to respond to the crisis effectively. Several students wondered why the Chinese commissioner in charge of dealing with the opium crisis seemed to spend more time writing poetry than communicating with the emperor. In the end, a panel of student judges made up from visiting Chinese champs and PLU students handed the victory to the team that argued that China was responsible for the war. After the debate, which was initiated and sponsored by PLU’s China Studies Program, the students

  • in nerdy things started when she became hooked on the Sailor Moon series and began madly writing fan fiction around the series. “I always knew that I wanted to be a writer,” she said. “This was pretty much my dream, to be an author. It was on my horizon.” At Pacific Lutheran University, she received her degree in Creative Writing and Publishing, then promptly took a job at Marquand Books Inc., where she had worked as an intern. The firm hired her right after graduation, and she worked as an

  • October 18, 2010 Writers welcomed By Kari Plog ’11 During the summer, students in PLU’s Master in Fine Arts Creative Writing program gather on campus for their summer residency. As part of the three-year program, the students meet four times for short summer residencies of about 10 days each. Accomplished writers are not scarce in the program, but really, “The only requirement is to come as writers, published or not,” said Stan Rubin, MFA program director. (Photo by John Froschauer) It’s a time

  • April 16, 2012 Visiting Writer Series: Melinda Moustakis PLU’s Visiting Writer Series continues with Melinda Moustakis with a reading at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 18 in the UC Regency Room. Moustakis was born in Fairbanks, Alaska and received her M.A. from UC Davis and her Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from Western Michigan University. Bear Down Bear North (University of Georgia Press 2011), her first book, won the 2010 Flannery O’Connor Award in Short Fiction and the UC Davis Maurice