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Pacific Lutheran University, for the purposes of this policy, defines the following terms as follows. Please note that some of these terms may also be used in other contexts, and that they may have different meanings in those contexts.Impacted PartyThe individual(s) having been affected by the alleged Prohibited Conduct. Supportive MeasuresIndividualized measures offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, without unreasonably burdening a complainant or respondent, not for punitive or
Tax Treatment of Scholarships and Fellowships (pdf) view download
Culture of Respect Equal Educational Opportunity PLU’s Non-Discrimination Policy Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Interplay between PLU’s Student Code of Conduct and the School of Nursing
In January, we announced a change that realigns PLU’s Commencement with the tradition the university has had in place for over 100 years: Commencement is returning to the PLU campus.
Commencement Location ChangeIn January, we announced a change that realigns PLU’s Commencement with the tradition the university has had in place for over 100 years: Commencement is returning to the PLU campus. Some graduates and their loved ones may have questions about this change and what they may do to prepare for it. The intent of this resource page is to post answers to frequently asked questions that come through email to or submitted through the form below. The
2020 has been no stranger to change. Change in communities, ways of life, understanding, normality, mindset: change seems to be the common theme of 2020. With the significant changes that PLU has had to make during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Jason Schroder, Director of…
streams through the Viking Ship Prow door outside of the Scandinavian Cultural Center at PLU. Changes to tradition are nothing new, and are in fact what humanities is all about. Upon being asked why people should be connecting to humanities spots like the SCC, Schroeder says, “[The] idea of tradition being passed on, it changes. You’ll hear me say, if you ever have to take a class with me, all tradition is change, which is a quote from Swedish folklorist Barbro Klein.” He emphasizes that tragedies
Virginia Allred ‘17 (Psychology & Geology) Kelsey Barnes ‘16 (Anthropology & Art History) Michael Diambri ‘18 (History) Rachel Friedland ‘18 (Undeclared) Madeline Marello ‘18
Spring 2015 Research TeamVirginia Allred ‘17 (Psychology & Geology) Kelsey Barnes ‘16 (Anthropology & Art History) Michael Diambri ‘18 (History) Rachel Friedland ‘18 (Undeclared) Madeline Marello ‘18 (Psychology) Brock Martin ‘18 (Environmental Studies)Adrian Mayoral ‘15 (History) Emma McCain ‘17 (Anthropology) Savannah Phelan ‘15 (Anthropology & Religion) Shaun Spurlock ‘15 (Religion) Carli Snyder ‘16 (History & Women’s and Gender Studies)Michaella Thompson ‘16 (History & Anthropology
Helpful Links: APA: the style and citation system created by the American Psychological Association. General Formatting Guide Rules for In-text Citations Reference List Guidelines ASA: the style and
most common citation style guide that include how to create reference lists, in-text citations (or footnotes), and the basics of formatting within each style.Helpful Links: APA: the style and citation system created by the American Psychological Association. General Formatting Guide Rules for In-text Citations Reference List Guidelines ASA: the style and citation system created by the American Sociological Association. Basic Citation Guide Further In-text Citation Guidelines (ASA Net) Chicago: a
Understanding Your Pay (pdf) view download
College of Professional Studies Student Space Reservation (link) view page
EPC Curriculum Change Template (pdf) view download
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