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The STEM Education minor will provide focused study for students who are interested in both Education and the STEM fields.
STEM Education MinorThe STEM Education minor will provide focused study for students who are interested in both Education and the STEM fields. The program is well suited for any student interested in exploring the vocation of teaching or who enjoys science outreach and science communication. This minor includes courses in Education and Natural Sciences and includes service learning.Why STEM Education?There is a need for excellent teachers with strong content knowledge in STEM who are able to
Master of Science in Nursing program is designed to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills to educate, lead change, promote health, and elevate care in various roles and settings.
MSN curriculum prepares nurses with the knowledge and skills required of all master’s‐prepared nurses as determined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021). The MSN student will also choose an area of specialization. Two areas of role specialization are available: Certified Nurse Educator® Clinical Nurse Leader® PLU MSN graduates are nursing leaders and educators throughout the Puget Sound area, Washington and
Graduate ProgramsGraduate Programs Pacific Lutheran University 12180 Park Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 -
The purpose of the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) is to anonymously collect data regarding instances of experienced bias within the PLU community and monitor the type and frequency of such
Conduct, the Sexual Misconduct Policy, or Grievance Policy. It also does not address violations of federal discrimination laws. In such cases, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Campus Safety, and/or the University Dispute and Resolution Committee should be contacted.Steps to BIRTLearn about BIRT and how to use it.Learn about BIRTBIRT FormUse the online form for BIRT.BIRT submission formDefinition of TermsLearn about terms used in BIRT.BIRT definition of terms
Bias Incident Response Team -
The curriculum prepares students to pursue careers in research and the health sciences or to apply their biology interests to careers as diverse as science education and public health.
Studying biology teaches you how to think and how to observe your world.To learn biology is more than just learning facts! It’s learning how to answer questions, how to develop strategies to obtain answers and how to recognize the answers as they emerge. The department is dedicated to encouraging students to learn science in both an intuitive and logical way.It encourages students to independently question, probe, experiment and experience the natural world around us as well as life under a
The Division of Enrollment Management serves Pacific Lutheran University by attracting, enrolling, supporting, and graduating students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care.
providing the tools, information, and support that foster persistence and success.VisionIn order to promote enrollment, persistence, and graduation, we will strive to provide an exceptional student experience through enhanced coordination between all offices in the Division of Enrollment Management. We aim to create innovative solutions to minimize barriers to access and success, empower students to navigate administrative processes and policy, engage in data driven decision making, and support the
Office of Enrollment ManagementHauge Administration Building Tacoma, WA 98447 -
The Pacific Lutheran University Wind Ensemble is comprised of the some of the best performers of wind and percussion instruments at the University and is recognized as one of the finest groups of its
Conference, the Western International Band Clinic, the National Association for Music Educators Northwest Conference, and our state WMEA conference in Yakima. Recent international tours have included Spain, Portugal, Australia, and China.See upcoming Wind Ensemble events here
Pacific Lutheran University Wind EnsembleMary Baker Russell Music Center, Room 206 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 -
Online Learning at Pacific Lutheran University. Online and blended programs for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students extend the university’s mission beyond campus borders,
Online Learning at Pacific Lutheran UniversityPacific Lutheran University has a strong history of providing students with an exceptional learning experience. Yet across the world, higher education is enveloped in transformation, with technology innovation increasingly influencing the process of teaching and learning. As PLU moves into the future, it is possible to embrace the new while remaining grounded in the University’s history and values.Online and blended programs for undergraduate
Established in 2011, the PLU Peace Scholars Program is designed to deepen understanding of central issues and theories of dialogue, peace-building, conflict, and war.
year. The fully funded program includes: Study in Norway for six weeks in the summer: study includes a week-long intensive dialogue training and peace seminar. Airfare, room, and board for the six weeks. Participation in a U.S. program component for a weekend, with other Peace Scholars in Minnesota. Peace Scholar StudiesPeace scholars participate in an interdisciplinary six-week undergraduate level course in peace studies at the Oslo International Summer School. The course includes both classroom
Within the environmental studies curriculum at PLU, the social sciences provide perspectives on the environment from a human point of view, balancing the ecological perspectives contributed by the
A Study of the Environment, Connectivity, and the World Around UsPacific Lutheran University sits upon the traditional lands of the Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island, and Steilacoom peoples; we acknowledge and respect the traditional caretakers of this land.Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the relationships between humans and the environment. Managing the environment requires interdisciplinary tools and knowledge about natural systems, human institutions
Pacific Lutheran University’s Center for Media Studies serves the community by providing assistance with communication and media related projects.
administrative missions. Combining existing platforms such as Student Media and MediaLab with curricular programs in art and design, communication, music, theatre and other departments, a primary goal of the Center is to develop new community outreach and engagement, while further enhancing those relationships already in existence. These efforts will be accomplished through excellence in teaching, research, learning and application of student skills in art, graphic design, visual literacy, legacy and
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