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  • Contract ManagementWhat is a Contract?A contract is an agreement between two parties that creates mutual obligations enforceable by law. A legally binding agreement may not always be referred to as a “contract” so it is important to be vigilant. Some examples include service agreements, Terms of Service, Memorandum of Understanding, Statement of Understanding, Facilities Use Agreement, Lease Agreement and even Terms and Conditions on websites where you are prompted to “Click to Agree”.What is a

  • Yum. But daydreaming about leaving the job she hated made her feel like the carefree little girl she once was, taking the cookbook from her mother and baking cookies galore. Pivot – it’s a business buzzword used by tech entrepreneurs to explain shifting directions until they develop something that’s viable and profitable. But the basic definition is even better: It’s the action of turning around a point, or a person or thing that is central or important to someone or something else. PLU alumna

  • Thank you for supporting Lute Women's Golf! Q&A with Coach Sara GriffinWhat are some highlights of this year that shows your team succeeding, facing a challenge, and supporting each other? Our team supported one another throughout the year in various ways. One of our team members witnessed a hit and run and we were there to help her through the difficulty of reporting the situation. One of our team members plays 2 sports and we were there to support her on the basketball court as well. Our team

  • July 15, 2009 China: Tour like a rock star By Chris Albert While touring China this June, Luke Peterson ’10 felt something a jazz drummer doesn’t normally get to experience. Jazz students touring china this summer found they generated excitement no matter where they performed. He was treated like a rock star. Actually, it’s something more than 60 PLU wind and jazz ensemble students felt at every one of their five official concert stops this summer and a number of collaborative workshops. From

  • SustainabilityPacific Lutheran University Loves Where You Live!How important is sustainability at PLU? Important enough to include in our University Mission Statement, “to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their communities and for the earth.” Sustainability is part of the culture here at PLU and our Residential Life teams partner with various university departments to offer students sustainable living practices on campus.Did

  • News Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Home Featured Stories NicarAGUA The thermometer is hopping between 100 and 110 degrees in a church courtyard in El Limonal, Nicaragua, where a team from PLU is installing a well to bring clean water to the community. The trip, though, also was about building relationships— connections that ended up changing these Lutes forever. By Barbara Clements TED Fellow After hearing Katie Hunt’s story—of survival

  • Highlights “To me you just have to understand that it is just part of the job. Death is just hard no matter if it occurs during our patrol shift or if it happens to a loved one on our personal time. Each person deals with it in a different way, but on the job, you have to try and just know that it is part of the job. That’s just how it has to be.” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253

  • Learning Communities Posted by: shortea / May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 What exactly is a Learning Community (LC)? Here's how to pick yours.Maybe you’ve already heard about the Learning Communities (LCs) at PLU, and maybe you haven’t, but the thing you need to know is that every student, whether you live on campus or commute, is part of a Learning Community, and you get to pick which you want to be a part of. LCs are a way for you to connect with community inside and outside of the classroom

  • Learning Communities Posted by: shortea / May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 What exactly is a Learning Community (LC)? Here's how to pick yours.Maybe you’ve already heard about the Learning Communities (LCs) at PLU, and maybe you haven’t, but the thing you need to know is that every student, whether you live on campus or commute, is part of a Learning Community, and you get to pick which you want to be a part of. LCs are a way for you to connect with community inside and outside of the classroom

  • Connect with a Local Faith CommunityWanting to connect with a local faith community? Below is a listing of local communities at PLU or in close proximity to the university. This listing is not comprehensive. Feel free to contact the Campus Ministry Office for information about other congregations in the area. * Denotes explicitly LGBT supportive worship spaceFaith on CampusChapelThere are three Chapel services each week, all in different religious traditions/styles. To learn about each service