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  • January 11, 2010 Uganda Blog: first entry By Theodore Charles ’12 My first travel update comes not from Uganda, but from PLU. I arrived on campus yesterday, Monday January 3, with all of my gear packed, ready for takeoff. I will be shooting still photographs in Uganda, therefore I have 30 pounds of camera gear stuffed into a carry on. Professor Joanne Lisosky gives last minute instructions to students before they prepare to embark on a journey to Uganda. (Photo by Theodore Charles ’12) It is a

  • AccreditationThe BSW program at PLU has been accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1975. This offers students a curriculum that is up-to-date, passes national review, and allows students with excellent grades to apply for advanced-standing, one-year MSW programs nationwide.Assessment of Student Learning OutcomesQuick Links Council on Social Work Education National Association of Social Workers International Federation of Social WorkersStrong Field ProgramDuring their senior

  • Cadet TrainingCadets participate in hands-on training exercises designed to develop excellence in leadership as well as team building and individual soldier skills.Training Includes: 1 to 2 hours of weekly classroom instruction in officer development topics Physical Fitness conducted every Monday, Wednesday, Friday (0630-0730) Rappelling Land Navigation Leadership Reaction Courses Obstacle Course Basic Rifle Marksmanship Combat Water Survival/Swim Test Extra Curricular ActivitiesCadets are

  • ProgramsThe Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies program brings together expertise from over a dozen academic departments to offer a cutting-edge and relevant major, along with two innovative minors, for PLU students. We recognize that the critical study of identity and power does not “belong” to any one academic discipline. Our major and minors allow student to select courses from a variety of programs–including Sociology, English, Psychology, Communication, Kinesiology, Religion, and many

  • faculty supervisorsAre you engaged in student-faculty research, serving as a capstone consultant, supervising an independent study project, etc.? If so, most of the information you will need can be found on the page for instructors. Wait! Before you go, here’s some important information.! You are the last stop before submission Your electronic signature is required for submission of student proposals in Mentor. Be on the lookout for notifications that your student’s proposal is ready to be

  • PLU Mission PLU seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care — for other people, for their communities and for the Earth. Quick Facts 2,737 Students 2350 Undergraduates and 342 Graduates 79.3% Retention Rate Retention rate: Fall 2023 first-year students, measuring their return for the second year, reflects our commitment to student engagement and success. It improved from 79.3% for fall 2022 first-year students compared to 77.6% in the previous fall

  • The ProjectEach student works throughout the program to complete an intensive project highlighting skills learned in each course. The objective is to apply marketing research knowledge to solve marketing problems. This can be done in the form of a client project or research paper. The program project not only gives MSMA candidates a chance to exemplify their proficiency, but also professional real-life experiences that will impress any future employer.Client ProjectsThe client project allows

  • All personnel who have been identified as having exposure to blood or OPIM through the exposure determination described in a preceding section of this plan must be offered the Hepatitis B vaccine series at no cost to the employee unless: The staff member has previously received the series Antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune Medical reasons prevent taking the vaccination; or The staff member chooses not to participate Employees will be provided with information on Hepatitis B

  • Rabbi Bruce Kadden Lecturer in Religion Biography Biography Rabbi Bruce Kadden will present Dabru Emet: A Jewish Perspective on Christians and Christianity. Dabru Emet (Hebrew for  “Speak the Truth”) proposes a series of theses concerning Jewish views of Christianity and a call for Jews and Christians to work together for justice in the world. Signed by over 220 rabbis and Jewish scholars, Dabru Emet was first published in the New York Times on September 10, 2000.  For many if not most

  • Choosing a MajorWhere Do I Begin? Choosing a major is an important decision, one that should not be hurried. The time that you give to the PROCESS of making this decision will be well spent. Making a major decision too quickly or without enough information may only lead to frustration, especially if you later find that the field bores you or that you don’t have the necessary skillsDid you know?PLU has four professional schools and more than 30 majors – each with several areas of emphasis!For