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  • pm - Questions & Answers5:00-5:10 pm - Isaac Madsen-BibeauBeing Pell at PLU: How Social Class Impacts the Friendships and Partnerships of Lower Income Students5:10-5:20 pm - Yuto YawataThe Effect of Japanese American Internment on Descendents on Their Identity Levels5:20-5:30 pm - Sahara JonesBi-dentity: Exploring Simultaneous Liminal Identity Construction5:30-5:40 pm - Von BornHow Does Incarceration Affect Informal Social Control5:40-5:50 pm - Questions & AnswersRoom 3 - Anderson University

  • The use of safer medical devices and sharps is suggested wherever feasible.  Supervisors are asked periodically to evaluate appropriate safer medical devices as they become available to reduce the risk of injuries and exposures due to sharps mishaps.  Whenever possible, engineered safer sharps shall be used.  If safer sharps are not practical, other methods shall be evaluated to reduce the risk of injury and contamination.

  • Course-Integrated InstructionCourse-Integrated WorkshopsWe’re eager to work directly with faculty to help integrate technology into classes. Have a class assignment to create a digital portfolio, develop a presentation, or create a video? We develop custom technology workshops targeted specifically at helping to meet your pedagogical goals.Group WorkshopsStudents, faculty, and staff may request group technology workshops on particular topics for groups of 5 or more. If you have a particular

  • forthcoming in Barrelhouse, Quarterly West, Gulf Coast, The Millions, The Rumpus, Cream City Review, Colorado Review, Boulevard, Kenyon Review online, Longreads, and many other publications. He is at work editing Imagining and Seeing: Voices of the Armenian Diaspora, an anthology of essays slated for publication with University of Texas Press in Fall 2022. He is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in English at PLU.

  • , self-awareness, as well as an awareness of the world around us. Mary Oliver has been instrumental in the work of the Wild Hope Center for Vocation at PLU, and we derive that name, too, from another poem of hers, “The Summer Day,” in which she asks, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

  • faculty develop skills for using Sakai and online technologies to improve the teaching of face-to-face courses at PLU. This program is currently being offered as an asynchronous, online training for instructors who are interested in learning some of the essential components of PLUTO training when teaching face-to-face, flipped, and/or distance courses. Participants independently complete online lessons in Sakai at their own pace. Individual Sakai training sites provide a place to practice, view

  • April 12, 2012 Rainbow Center Presents: Queer Prom The Rainbow Center Presents, Queer Prom at 6 p.m., April 21, in the CK of the UC. The prom is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and allied youth ages 14-24. There is a $2 suggested donation. For more information contact the Oasis Center at 253-671-2838 or by email at Checkout the Facebook event page HERE. The event is drug and alcohol free. The dCenter, Queer Ally Student Union (QASU, formally

  • standards for admission and who would also be great members of the PLU community. If you have a 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA and have taken Intermediate Algebra by your senior year, your school lets us know and we will automatically send you an admission offer via email and mail. You then get to skip the application process! To move forward in the process, you’ll fill out a simple “Acceptance Form”. If I'm automatically admitted, will I still need to write an admission essay for PLU? Send a letter of

  • Renewable Energy Scholarship Posted by: alemanem / October 4, 2021 October 4, 2021 RESF expects to award seven or eight scholarships in 2022 based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest.  One is reserved for an early undergraduate (preferably community college) student; one for another undergraduate; one for an early graduate student; and the rest are available to students at any level.   At least one of these scholarships will be awarded to a diversity

  • program currently offers internship opportunities in the National Weather Service, (NWS), Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Ocean Service (NOS), and Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO), allowing them  to target the skills needed to fulfill their specific mission needs.  Applications will be accepted from Oct. 1 to Jan. 3 and proposed student projects