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  • Melissa Castor ’14 helps a sixth grade student at Keithley Middle School with her math work. (Photos by John Froschauer) Lives of Service: It’s what neighbors do By Chris Albert In Mrs. Allen’s sixth grade math class at Keithley Middle School , Ms. Castor is…

    students truly respond to them and are very open to get their assistance.”Kathryn Bullock ‘12 started Club Keithley her sophomore year. She had a passion for helping children who haven’t always had the easiest path. Bullock hopes to continue that passion when she graduates by working as a social worker with at risk youth. Having PLU students like Castor in her class gives Denis Allen more time to instruct and students an extra person to help them figure out their math problems. It started with a few

  • Melissa Castor ’14 helps a sixth grade student at Keithley Middle School with her math work. (Photos by John Froschauer) Lives of Service: It’s what neighbors do By Chris Albert In Mrs. Allen’s sixth grade math class at Keithley Middle School , Ms. Castor is…

    students truly respond to them and are very open to get their assistance.”Kathryn Bullock ‘12 started Club Keithley her sophomore year. She had a passion for helping children who haven’t always had the easiest path. Bullock hopes to continue that passion when she graduates by working as a social worker with at risk youth. Having PLU students like Castor in her class gives Denise Allen more time to instruct and students an extra person to help them figure out their math problems. It started with a few

  • An African Grey Parrot takes stock of a photographer. (Photo provided by PLU Prof. Charles Bergman.) Free as a bird  — at last PLU Professor and Student Journey to Jane Goodall’s Famed Sanctuary for First-Ever Release of Rescued African Grey Parrots By Barbara Clements, Scene…

    charismatic, this social, ripped from the rainforest and away from their flocks, and isolated in a small cage,” he says. Spreading their wings Which brings us back to the rescued parrots—who refused to leave the enclosure. “So we expect that we will lift the hatch, and they will fly to freedom,” Bergman continues. “But not one of the birds even peeks out. The birds are so suspicious—rightly so; they don’t trust us.” The press left. Goodall left. Bergman and Granum listened to the birds whistling to each

  • A New Chapter for PLU’s Rainier Writing Workshop The new director of PLU’s Rainier Writing Workshop, Associate Professor of English Rick Barot. (Photo courtesy of Rick Barot.) Rick Barot Named New Director as Innovative MFA Program Turns 10 By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing &…

    think the value of literature and writing is even more paramount as we move forward, because it’s acting as kind of a resistance to forces in our culture that want to reduce or simplify experience,” Barot said. “What literature does is restore complexity to the things that people feel and do and think, and celebrate complex emotional, social, intellectual experiences.” As for the future of the Rainier Writing Workshop, Barot looks backward and forward, always with the founders’ vision—and

  • By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WASH. (Jan. 26, 2015)—After World War II, government authorities removed thousands of American Indian children from their families and placed them in non-Indian foster or adoptive families. By the late 1960s, an estimated 25 to 35…

    , fostered or adopted in non-Indian homes. Officials claimed to be acting in ‘the best interests of the child,’ while critics charged that social workers and court officials were using ‘ethnocentric and middle-class criteria’ to remove children unnecessarily. In fact, writes the author, the removals were acts of cost-cutting disguised as caring: Neither federal nor state governments had to fund the care of American Indian children once private families adopted them.” Jacobs’ 10-year, two-continent

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 26, 2016)- Joel Zylstra said Pacific Lutheran University’s partnership with the nonprofit Habitat for Humanity began with a cup of coffee at 208 Garfield four years ago. Zylstra, director of Center for Community Engagement & Service (CCES), said his perception of Habitat…

    . The Woods became the subject of an Environmental Advocacy class project for which students traveled to the Woods and wrote collaborative group projects based on the development. The project encouraged students to examine the development from multiple perspectives, including design and the social formation of community. “There’s been an educational aspect there, which led to some AmeriCorps engagement through that,” Stockstad said. “Some of our AmeriCorps members that have worked at Habitat have

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March. 25, 2020) — Distance learning and teaching can feel isolating at times. PLU Professor of Hispanic Studies Bridget Yaden has been combating these potential limitations by using different technological tools to make her virtual classroom as accessible and accommodating as possible. The…

    we’ve just been there to listen to each other. The larger language teaching profession nationally has been amazing as well — so many free, online webinars, Facebook Live sessions, Google docs of resources, and virtual book clubs. Even though we are practicing social distancing, in many ways we are more connected than ever. Read Previous Prof. Gregory Youtz talks transitioning classrooms and teaching styles to distance learning Read Next PLU donates medical supplies to help Pierce County in fight

  • Aminda Cheney-Irgens is a smart, driven, and globally-minded Pacific Lutheran University senior who, like her peers, spent her spring adjusting to a new way of doing college. She’s learned to record Zoom lessons, sharpened her Google Docs skills, and misses the real-life campus interactions. She’s…

    me about ways people perceive and interact with the environment and asked me to critically consider negative social externalities that arise from pollution and other concerns. I really enjoyed these classes but wanted the opportunity to take more math and science courses and ended up shifting the environmental studies degree to a minor and adding a chemistry major. The Hispanic Studies degree was really inspired by my high school Spanish teacher. I took AP Spanish 4 and 5 in high school and loved

  • “There is nothing comfortable about studying genocide,” Beth Griech-Polelle, a Pacific Lutheran University history professor and the Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies, says. “It’s filthy, violent, degrading, and the worst of humanity.” Yet Griech-Polelle says the study and discussion of these atrocities are crucial…

    reflection on this subject begins with the “Introduction to Holocaust & Genocide Studies” course, which serves the minor but is also a general education course open to all PLU students. Professors from the history, English, German, religion, social work and Hispanic Studies departments worked together to create the course to allow students to investigate the intersections of dehumanization, violent oppression, cultural destruction, and war. “We wanted to highlight the interdisciplinary and global focus

  • Maria Surla has traveled a long and rewarding road. The 39-year-old recently graduated with PLU’s Class of 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. “The difficult experiences I’ve had made me who I am now,” Surla says. Born and raised in the Philippines, Surla…

    adrenaline rush, and my brain works well in stressful situations.” Eventually, Surla plans to earn a master’s degree focusing on mental health and human behavior. Inequity concerns Surla—she notes that income and wealth play major roles in health determinants. In the future, she hopes to work with “like-minded individuals that want to advance innovations in health care by advocating for responsible and progressive social changes that provide improved health care outcomes.”  “The one thing I can control