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  • Information on depressionSigns and Symptoms Feelings of sadness or unhappiness Loss of interest in activities or social gatherings Trouble concentrating, indecisiveness Feelings of guilt or anger over past failures Fatigue, loss in energy, sleeplessness Anger or frustration for no distinct reason Change in appetite or weight Slowed thinking or speech Thoughts of dying, death and suicide Prevention Take steps to control stress Reach out to family and friends Get treatment at the earliest sign of

  • Incomplete grades provide a mechanism for students who are in good standing but have significant unforeseen circumstances preventing course completion in the normal time-frame. Incomplete grades affect nursing program progression and thus are permitted only in exceptional circumstances. The faculty of record has the right to refuse an incomplete grade and will determine the final plan for successful completion of the grade. Incomplete grades that are not completed by the agreed upon date on the

  • Incomplete grades provide a mechanism for students who are in good standing but have significant unforeseen circumstances preventing course completion in the normal time-frame. Incomplete grades affect nursing program progression and thus are permitted only in exceptional circumstances. The faculty of record has the right to refuse an incomplete grade and will determine the final plan for successful completion of the grade. Incomplete grades that are not completed by the agreed upon date on the

  • Publishing and Printing Arts Course Selection J-Term 2022 Electives BUSA 340: Nonprofit Management HIST 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society Spring 2022 PPAP Core Courses: PPAP 302/ENGL 312/COMA 322: Publishing Procedures PPAP 321/ENGL 313/ARTD 315: The Art of the Book I (AR) PPAP 322/ENGL 314: The Art of the Book III (AR) PPAP Electives: ARTD210: Graphic Design 2 ARTD 320: Photography 2: Digital ARTD 410: Graphic Design 4 BUSA 203: Managerial Accounting BUSA 305: Behavior in Organizations BUSA

  • Meet Your Sojourner Advocates Sam van Roon Studied Away in Brussels, Belgium Spring 2015 Class of 2017 Major: Communication Studies Minors: Business Administration, PhilosophyUnlike many incoming students at PLU, I had never even considered studying away before enrolling, nevertheless dreaming about a specific location. However, with the help of the Wang Center staff, countless program websites, and endless consequent dreaming, I spent an amazing semester in the heart of Western Europe

  • Free & Open to the PublicWhen: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Reading: 5:30 pm, Ness Family Lobby, KHP CenterAnders Carlson-Wee is the author of The Low Passions (W.W. Norton, 2019). His work has appeared in The Paris Review, BuzzFeed, Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly Review, New England Review, Poetry Daily, The Sun, Best New Poets, The Best American Nonrequired Reading, and many other publications. The recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the McKnight Foundation

  • SuicideSigns and SymptomsDepression, negative change in mood, sense of hopelessness Talk of suicide, wanting to die, or dropping hints about suicidal thoughts Abrupt change in personality and behavior Extreme physical and emotional pain Drop in academic performance Avoiding friends or social activities Sudden calmness after a long period of depression Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order Saying goodbye to people as if they won’t be seen againPreventionGet the treatment you need

  • Top 6 Graduate Programs to Choose by 2030 There are increased opportunities for you to transform your future with a graduate degree, and ultimately, to position yourself to secure a meaningful career in your chosen field. We decided to take a look at several career fields that are booming in the state of… February 17, 2021

  • Student Immunization History and Emergency Information 2023-24 (pdf) view download

  • Public health concerns update Dear PLU Community, We are writing today to provide you with a follow up to the communication that you received on July 29, 2022. In that communication, we outlined fall protocols for both COVID-19 and MPX (previously referred to as Monkeypox). Now that more detailed… August 23, 2022