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  • com­munity, and get precious job skills to boot. He spent his summers training as an EMT. He took classes at the state fire academy. He completed a rope-rescue training course. He learned Spanish volunteering at a medical clinic that treats migrant workers. For a while, he considered studying to be a paramedic but realized that wouldn’t quite satisfy him. “Dropping people off at the hospital and that being the end of my contact with them just wasn’t fulfilling,” Jensen recalled. “I wanted to know how

  • PLU researchers (faculty, staff, administrators)Welcome! We review all research with human participants conducted by or with members of the PLU community. We work to ensure that participants are treated with dignity and respect by upholding the principles of the Belmont Report and established federal guidelines. PLU also has an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to ensure the humane and ethical treatment of laboratory animals. PLU’s HPRB and IACUC perform the functions of what

  • Calendar Highlights Alumni News Homecoming 2017 Listen, browse, watch: the Homecoming and Family Weekend recap includes a podcast and poem by Tim Sherry ’67 — inspired by the 50th class reunion — as well as a photo gallery of events and a video highlighting the Harstad family reunion. View Now Alumni Survey To learn more about the alumni community, PLU launched a listening initiative last fall. The university sought alumni opinions about PLU’s priorities and how connected those alumni feel to their

  • college fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are

  • fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are signed into

  • college fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are

  • college fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are

  • Admission Team for questions about the application process. Schedule Phone Appointment APPLICATION PROCESS   Click on each item in the list below to view the instructions in an expanded section, and then follow the steps to submit your application. If you have questions, contact us. “I’m absolutely loving this program. not only do I feel like it’s taking my talents to a new level, it’s giving me the creative passion I so greatly needed at this point in my writing life.” Step One: Create your application

  • July 31, 2010 Hebrew Idol showcases a different view of the Bible, theology By Chris Albert According to Assistant Professor of Religion Antonios Finitsis, there’s one real advantage to teaching a religion course: Nobody really knows all it entails. “They think religion is confined,” he said. “People do not expect religion to be so pervasive.” Religion is too big to be isolated on the pages of books. “No,” Finitsis said, “it’s all over the place.” Case and point: Finitsis’ Religion 211 course

  • Washington State to work in off campus positions which can provide valuable experiences and training and often pay more than minimum wage. Why can't out-of state students work in off-campus Work Study jobs?Only eligible WA residents can participate in this state funded program.  Federal work study is offered to eligible out-of state students, which is subsidized by the federal government, and limited almost exclusively to on-campus positions. What if I want to work on campus?With very few exceptions, all