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  • Discontinuity Analysis and UnPLUgged Daniel Hachet In this talk, we discuss regression discontinuity analysis, and explain why it is a viable method for determining the effects of a program when performing a controlled randomized experiment is not possible. We apply this method to investigate electricity usage changes during UnPLUgged, an energy conservation campaign directed toward students in PLU residence halls. Next we discuss several models to account for occupancy and seasonal effects in residence

  • research projects, as well as specific issues that arise in constructing and administering surveys, analyzing existing data, and planning program evaluations. Required for criminal justice, sociology, and social work majors. Prerequisite: SOCI 101, CRIM 102, or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 302 : Qualitative Research Methods An overview of qualitative research methods in sociology, criminal justice, and social work. Students will learn how to design qualitative research projects, collect qualitative

  • Jaeda Reed always knew she had a passion for art. She loved to paint, draw and take photos, but her art was always personal and not something for sale or for show. It wasn’t until her junior year at Pacific Lutheran University that Reed realized what had been in front of her all along: a vocation for art and photography. Now, Reed owns and operates a successful photography business that has her booked solid from summer through November. Reed graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in

  • ParentsCollege is a period of great change for students and their parents.  The George Washington University Counseling Center designed a page to help you understand and prepare for some of the unique experiences your children may have during their college years.  It can be downloaded here.  Another resource for parents is College Parents of America.  CPA is a national membership association that helps parents “prepare and put their children through college easily, economically and safely.” If

  • maintaining an affirming learning environment and their sense of accountability to it. While doing this early in the semester is best, it is never too late to have a conversation with your students about their role in creating an inclusive classroom climate. For additional information and examples of guidelines for general class participation, participation in STEM classes, and dialogue/community expectations, see this resource from the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

  • address be?Your e-mail address at Pacific Lutheran University is your username — which is the first six letters of your last name (your entire last name if it is six or fewer letters long), followed by your first and middle initials — followed by “”. For example, if your name was John Q. Public, your e-mail address at PLU would be How do I send email to multiple recipients and mask the mailing list?Ever receive a message that has what seems to be an un-ending list of people

  • String Audition Repertoire The guidelines and excerpts below are the required materials for string auditions of the Pacific Lutheran University Symphony Orchestra. Violin: A solo excerpt (concerto, sonata, other solo work) of your choice. Please keep it to 2-3 minutes. All of the excerpts listed below from Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5 are required to be prepared for the audition day. The audition faculty will choose and ask for a few of them. Please note the full part for Violin is attached here

  • and pick it up at our table!Order Parking PassHuman ResourcesCome and visit the Human Resources table to complete a September retirement form, get information about the remote work policy, ORCA benefit and the referral bonus. All HR questions are welcome!University HouseCome learn about one of the unique aspects of life at PLU, the opportunity to join the “UHouse,” where the main purpose is to let collegiality grow among faculty and staff and strengthen the sense of community at PLU.Food

  • education a priority at Pacific Lutheran University. He says Lutheran higher education is intellectually inclusive, and therefore his calling to promote interfaith dialogue is a perfect fit. “Free inquiry includes asking about other religious traditions,” said Hammerstrom, associate professor of East Asian and comparative religions. Hammerstrom already teaches classes that immerse students in Buddhist communities here and abroad. During the summer, he took that commitment to the next level. He

  • in communications and minored in music, playing flute in the University Symphony Orchestra. Her first job after graduation was with Symphony Tacoma, where she worked on everything from ticketing to marketing. She and her husband decided they wanted to live abroad, so they earned certificates in teaching English as a foreign language and moved to Prague, in the Czech Republic, where they taught. The Czech capital is also renowned for its transit system. Neither Walker’s experience as a student in