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  • BackThe HPRB proposal form now begins with a diagnostic pre-survey (optional) that will help you and your students determine if their projects meet the federal definition of Human Subjects Research (HSR) and require HPRB approval. The pre-survey also helps students understand what kind of review is likely: exempt, expedited, or full board. The HPRB will make a final determination once the proposal has been submitted for review. If relevant, the pre-survey also helps students decide if their

  • Caltech WAVE Fellows Program Info Session Posted by: nicolacs / November 15, 2023 November 15, 2023 The WAVE Fellows program increases visibility and accessibility to Caltech’s Ph.D. programs to undergraduates in STEM fields who are seriously considering attending graduate school. WAVE Fellows is a 10-week undergraduate research program that provides robust programming in the areas of academic and professional development. Applicants will identify several possible mentors with whom they are

  • Dining Dollars BudgetHaving Dining Dollars as part of your meal plan now means that you will have to keep track of how many dollars you have throughout the semester. Here is a chart to give you an idea of where you need to be with your Dining Dollars amount quarterly throughout the term. Keep in mind that the chart is calculated using 6 days in a week since the 7th day (Sunday) is AYCTE all day long. Keep an eye on this chart and every time you purchase something with your Dining Dollars, you

  • Susan Pavur Non-Clinical Case Manager / Student Care Network Manager she/her Phone: 253-535-7462 Email: Office Location: Dean of Students Office - corner of 121st St. S and Park Ave. S Professional Personal Responsibilities Oversee the Student Care Network and assign cases; manage education modules to students; direct and manage the PLU Food Pantry Interests Gardening, reading, and my 2 Labradoodles

    Contact Information
  • Bamana Mask Bamana Mask Artist: Unknown Bamana Artist Name: Kiwarani mask from the Ntomo society Origin: Bamana people of Mali Made of: Wood, mirrors, cowrie shells, seeds, animal horns Dimensions: 31 x 8 x 20.5 in. (79 x 20 x 52 cm) From: Gift of Hans and Thelma Lehmann, 1983 1983.01.004 On display in the PLU’s Mortvedt Library (2nd floor) Mali Description: The mask is an oval shaped face with a long nose, no mouth, and three crowning horns that curve backward. The mask’s face is decorated

  • Register for CreditRegistering your internship for academic credit is a step-by-step process, which can take up to two weeks to complete. Therefore, we recommend that you start this process prior to the start of the semester in which you are applying for credit. Please note: all internships must meet the parameters set by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. To register for credit, please follow these steps: Step 1: Meet with your academic advisor to determine the course and the

  • Hutchinson, she organized and set up the Small University Summer Internship program for PLU biology students. Since its start, numerous students have been able to pursue their passions in different fields of research including cancer, HIV, immunology and virology. These opportunities include working with cutting-edge technology and interacting with researchers who are in the top of their field. Most importantly, students are able to gain confidence in laboratories that will propel them to accomplish

  • standards for admission and who would also be great members of the PLU community. If you have a 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA and have taken Intermediate Algebra by your senior year, your school lets us know and we will automatically send you an admission offer via email and mail. You then get to skip the application process! To move forward in the process, you’ll fill out a simple “Acceptance Form”. If I'm automatically admitted, will I still need to write an admission essay for PLU? Send a letter of

  • the move starting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 12 at the current Mount Rainier sire, immediately following the girls basketball game. There will also be a day-long open house in the new facility on March 15, where guided tours and be available to answer questions. This will also be an opportunity for prospective families to register students. More will be announced about the collaborative partnership between PLU and MRLH. Read Previous Study away blog roundup Read Next ‘For the love of chocolate

  • about Habitat Restoration at PLU and additional volunteer opportunities in habitat restoration.Quick Links Work Order Request Form From left to right: Golden-tipped Cryptomeria, Swiss Stone Pine, and Camillia Winterblooming. These planters at the AUC are periodically renewed with a variety of plants sometimes with edible vegetables. Take a Walking Tour of the campus