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  • PLU's Green Chemistry InitiativePLU Department of Chemistry is committed to upholding green chemistry principles and actions that promote health and sustainability. We are currently developing a system to document past and current practices that are in alignment with the 12 principles of green chemistry. This document will help us track our efforts and serve to guide future initiatives. Having pledged to Beyond Benign’s Green Chemistry Commitment, our department strives to evaluate our

  • scheduling and preparing and performing your jury. Please contact Ryan Marsh in the Music Office at if you have any questions. Instructions for Scheduling your Recital and JuryInstructions for Submission of ProgramsOn the Day of the JuryProgram Drop Box

  • change, but also those of several other pollutants that affect human health. A carbon tax would make those who cause the emissions from their consumption pay something for it directly and, in the process, lead to fewer emissions. For an electorate that hates new taxes, one could offset the carbon tax increase by lowering some other existing tax such as payroll taxes. This way, the bottom line for most households need not change, but the incentive for conservation is preserved. To address equity

  • mother, five children of her own, ages 4 through 14. Budgets are tight, time is even tighter, but she makes it work. She even finds time to lead a Young Life group. She’s up around 5 a.m. and home about 8 p.m. She then grades papers once the youngest are in bed, until around 11 p.m. When the bell rings the students head out the door. Dozier stands there, allowing the students out while looking for strays from her next class. “They’ll get to right there,” she says, pointing about five feet away. “And

  • Highlights “I have been on a call where a 16-year-old boy was killed in a car by a drunk driver. The victim was sitting in the back seat of the car and they were waiting at a red light. A drunk driver rear ended their vehicle at a high rate of speed and killed the back seat passenger. He was only 16 years old. It was horrible. It was probably one of the worst calls that I have ever been on, honestly…” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a

  • Emma Stafki ’24 explores the challenges facing Puget Sound orcas in capstone documentary Emma Stafki grew up on Washington’s Key Peninsula, hearing stories about a tragedy in 1968. In nearby Vaughn Bay, her grandparents witnessed the heartwrenching capture of Hugo, a three-year-old orca whale. Southern Resident orcas typically stay with their mothers their whole lives; losses echo throughout… May 17, 2024 AcademicsCommunicationCurrent StudentsInternshipsInvolvementJusticePacific

  • LaTeX document. The main problem is that typesetting is slow (as you have to wait for the server to typeset and return the results). To use these, simply go to one of the following sites, create an account and follow the instructions. Overleaf ShareLaTeX SageMathCloud Installing LaTeX on a PC Go to the MiKTeX and download MiKTeX 2.9. Be sure to install the complete MiKTeX system on your computer. MiKTeX comes with a basic text editor called TeXWorks. You may also want to purchase WinEdt for a more

  • Images From Around the WorldEvery year, hundreds of Lutes study away throughout the world in places like China, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and more! As students return to campus and reflect on their time away, the Wang Center accepts photo submissions in our annual contest to showcase the value of global education. Past winning photos and videos can also be viewed on the links below with photo titles, descriptions and photographer names. We hope you’ll

  • Send a Postcard to New StudentsDo you remember that feeling you had when you received your acceptance letter from PLU? Thoughts of excitement, anticipation, and questions including, “Is PLU the right choice for me?” PLU’s Alumni Board members invite you to join them in sending a welcome postcard to newly admitted students. Who better to assure them that PLU is a great choice for their next life adventure than the alumni who have lived it? Each month between October and May, alumni volunteers

  • Photo by Claire Todd Dear Pierce County, The management of invasive species is a key component when developing restoration sites in an attempt as a means to re-establish the native plant species. From our work in my Environmental 350 course at PLU, we discovered that herbicides are heavily used to diminish the invasive plant population. They are efficient and cost effective. However, the application of herbicides have unintentional environmental risks: they are toxic to applicators and they