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  • Send a Postcard to New StudentsDo you remember that feeling you had when you received your acceptance letter from PLU? Thoughts of excitement, anticipation, and questions including, “Is PLU the right choice for me?” PLU’s Alumni Board members invite you to join them in sending a welcome postcard to newly admitted students. Who better to assure them that PLU is a great choice for their next life adventure than the alumni who have lived it? Each month between October and May, alumni volunteers

  • Taezha Watson Vice President She/Her/Hers Email: Professional Biography Additional Titles/Roles Biography Hi everyone! I am so glad to serve as your Vice President for the remainder of this term. My main priorities are SOC representation, student engagement, and social justice. Broadly speaking, I want ASPLU to accurately reflect our student body, especially students of color. I am currently working on examining our student bias-reporting processes so that information can be

    Contact Information
  • UT Southwestern Biomedical Sciences Summer Research Posted by: Craig Fryhle / February 6, 2015 February 6, 2015 University of Texas Southwestern has summer research fellowships in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Systems Biology, and other fields.  $4000 fellowship.  Application deadline is February 9th. Read Previous Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research

  • Accelerated MS in Electrochemical Technology Materials Science Institute - University of Oregon Posted by: alemanem / April 6, 2022 April 6, 2022 Are you planning what to do next year? Maybe an accelerated industry career focused MS program in Electrochemical Science and Technology is right for you. Please visit: for more information and to apply. Read Previous Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) Read Next Summer

  • Photo by Claire Todd Dear Pierce County, The management of invasive species is a key component when developing restoration sites in an attempt as a means to re-establish the native plant species. From our work in my Environmental 350 course at PLU, we discovered that herbicides are heavily used to diminish the invasive plant population. They are efficient and cost effective. However, the application of herbicides have unintentional environmental risks: they are toxic to applicators and they

  • Saturday, February 16, 2019 | Christ Episcopal Church8:30 a.m. Walk-in registration and conference packet pick-up – Christ Church foyer 9:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist – Mother Janet Campbell presiding – Church 9:45 a.m. Morning refreshments – Wells Hall 10:15 a.m. Plenary Presentation – Dr. Benjamin Stewart – Church 11:15 a.m. Workshops Water music – Kathryn Nichols – Church Advocacy for local waters – Toddy Hay – Library Forming water advocates through praying, teaching and preaching – Samuel

  • Transfer StudentsTransfer students begin their enrollment at PLU in both fall and spring semesters. They make up approximately 30% of the undergraduate enrollment at the university each year. Academic and Artistic Achievement scholarships are available to all qualified students. Academic scholarships are offered on the strength of the student’s college transcript. Artistic Achievement scholarships are offered on the basis of an in-person or video audition or by submitting a portfolio of their

  • Step 3Recruitment MaterialsThe HPRB must review and approve all recruitment materials (e.g., scripts, emails, social media posts, flyers, advertisements) before they can be used. Recruitment materials should contain the following information: Names and contact information of the investigators PLU’s name and the researcher’s department/school Who is being recruited for your study (e.g., what demographic characteristics, age range, student groups?) What participants will be asked to do (e.g

  • Step 3Recruitment MaterialsThe HPRB must review and approve all recruitment materials (e.g., scripts, emails, social media posts, flyers, advertisements) before they can be used. Recruitment materials should contain the following information: Names and contact information of the investigators PLU’s name and the researcher’s department/school Who is being recruited for your study (e.g., what demographic characteristics, age range, student groups?) What participants will be asked to do (e.g

  • Step 4Recruitment MaterialsThe HPRB must review and approve all recruitment materials (e.g., scripts, emails, social media posts, flyers, advertisements) before they can be used. Recruitment materials should contain the following information: Names and contact information of the investigators PLU’s name and the researcher’s department/school Who you are recruiting for your study (e.g., what demographic characteristics, age range, student groups?) What participants will be asked to do (e.g