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  • 2021 Outstanding Capstone Award RecipientsThe Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice is pleased to announce the outstanding capstone award for the Class of 2021. The award for the outstanding quantitative capstone goes to Shayla Fletcher for her paper: ” ‘I am my own Person, I can do what I Want’: A Qualitative Study on Teen Rebellion.” Shayla Fletcher

  • 5 Graduate Degrees to Address the Negative Impacts of COVID-19 COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic — where were you when you first heard the words that would impact your life experience? In times of pandemic and adversity, we collectively faced an insurmountable challenge. People all over the world experienced uncertainty regarding the future, quarantine fatigue and a… March 2, 2021

  • Helping Students in Distress - A Guide for Faculty and Staff (Rev. 2021) (pdf) view download This tool is to help you make decisions in those critical times facing a student in distress.  It is grouped by type of incident, then offers FACTS, what to DO, and what to AVOID in order to minimize confrontation or risk of negligence.

  • Bachelor of Arts Psychology Course Sequence (pdf) view download

  • Director Search Update During our recent search for a half-time Director of Congregational Engagement, we heard from a variety of stakeholders as well as the candidates that the Director for Congregational Engagement sounded much more like a full-time rather than a half-time position. Given that reality along with… May 11, 2017 Director Search

  • 2016 NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies Each year the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC), a group of 33 northwest colleges and universities, sponsors an Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies. The award recognizes faculty members and instructional technologists at member institutions for work demonstrating effective design, development, integration, and/or support of… December 15, 2016 awardNWACC

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Yet another round of fraudulent “phishing” emails have been sent across Campus masquerading as an official email warning users that their accounts are about to be shut down unless they are verified. As we have noted… February 9, 2016 cybersafetyemailfraudulent emailphishing

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Yet another round of fraudulent “phishing” emails have been sent across Campus masquerading as an official email warning users that their accounts are about to be shut down unless they are verified. As we have noted… February 9, 2016 cybersafetyemailfraudulent emailphishing

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Yet another round of fraudulent “phishing” emails have been sent across Campus masquerading as an official email warning users that their accounts are about to be shut down unless they are verified. As we have noted… February 9, 2016 cybersafetyemailfraudulent emailphishing

  • 2016 NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies Each year the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC), a group of 33 northwest colleges and universities, sponsors an Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies. The award recognizes faculty members and instructional technologists at member institutions for work demonstrating effective design, development, integration, and/or support of… December 15, 2016 awardNWACC