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  • PLU continues to be a powerful platform, a training and an equipping ground for forerunners who contend for the full release of true Justice in this nation.” How did you get to where you are? I was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, until we immigrated to Portland when I was 13 years-old, seeking better educational and career opportunities. (At that time) I was consumed with learning the new language as well as adjusting to this new culture while my parents relentlessly worked 14 hour days to

  • address, date of birth, sex assigned on passport, citizenship, class standing, any major(s) and minor(s), language experience, and GPA Essay Question # 1 – “Please describe the relationship between your proposed off-campus study program and your academic pursuits. Identify several learning goals for your off-campus study and discuss how the program of study or location you have chosen will help you achieve these goals.” Essay Question #2 – “Given that study away can be unpredictable and challenging

  • present and asked how they could preserve their portion of the earth. We could use more of their wisdom and practice.” Scholarship, Sleep & SelfPrism 2021 Read Previous A Passion for the Classics with Professor Luke Parker Read Next Teaching during a Global Pandemic LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022

  • work in English 320: Intermediate Creative Nonfiction. Read Previous Rediscovery: Dr. Jenkins and the Texts of Hermann Broch Read Next Philosophical Discourse and Tweeting: On Dr. Pauline Shanks Kaurin’s Public Philosophy LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022

  • Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022

  • as such is that it is mounted not in the name of science —the older kind of rejection which historians have become quite adept at evading— but in the name of the very life and vitality which historians have prided themselves on recreating. The books and journals to which I have just referred bristle with references to the latest in literary theory, and often depend upon recent structuralist and poststructuralist philosophies which posit a radical split between language and the world, to find the

  • graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a major in English with a Creative Writing emphasis and a minor in Spanish. In 2012, he completed an MA in K-12 Education at University of Puget Sound and this spring applied to pursue a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Washington, Tacoma. He is a father of Joshua Charles, aged two. He currently teaches Language Arts and coaches wrestling, football and track at Lincoln High School where he graduated in 2004. Josh would tell you

  • member of the Debate Team for the past three years. This past March 2017, she and her colleague Matt Aust, were PLU’s first ever international debating champions. They competed at the Pan-American Debating Championships in California against debaters for universities nationwide and more than 9 different countries, and won first place in the Spanish Language division. In the final round, they defeated Cornell University and University of Denver. Kate also runs the debate team’s PR – coordinating

  • Nuna, populated this area. Those who did not flee intermarried with the Mossi, resulting in the diversity of sculpture and mask designs found on the plateau today. The contemporary Mossi are primarily famers, tending to crops of millet, sorghum, maize and groundnuts. In the north, some Mossi raise livestock. The Mossi language is known as Mooré, one of the two primary languages of Burkina Faso. Numbering 2.2 million, they are the largest ethnic group in the country. Those descended from the

  • . Instead, sources are cited in numbered footnotes or endnotes. Author-Date: This variation is used in the sciences and social sciences, and it uses in-text citations similar to APA and MLA. MLA (used by English, Languages and Literatures, etc.)MLA Handbook: RR LB2369.G53 2016 (Located by the library help desk.) MLA Resources: MLA Style Center: Citations by Format Named after the Modern Language Association, who is also the publisher of the style manual, the MLA citation style is used primarily by