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  • Sher Music Co. If you have any questions regarding jazz guitar audition repertoire, please contact Dr. Cassio Vianna, Director of Jazz Studies.VoiceAUDITIONING FOR A MUSIC AWARD ONLY Two selections representing contrasting styles that showcase your vocal range and musicianship. Suggested Repertoire includes songs presented for Solo and Ensemble competition, art songs, or folk songs for which you have sheet music. One in a language other than English is preferred but not required. AUDITIONING FOR

  • led to – well, who knows? That part of Henrichsen’s life hasn’t been written yet. There certainly is no shortage of opportunity ahead. For the time being, Henrichsen will continue to immerse herself in her masters program, while continuing to work on her French and German language skills, as well. To do that in Geneva invigorates her. “When I’m in a press conference [at the U.N.] I feel like the world is literally at my fingertips,” she said. “That kind of information is exhilarating. I find it is

  • ethnocentric notions about the Western family needed to be seriously qualified as I learned about the Korean extended family kinship system, the family naming register (recently abolished), the importance of Confucianism, and the various levels of respect imbedded in the Korean language. I hope to teach this course at PLU, and when I do, to incorporate a comparative international perspective. I plan to continue my research, publishing, and teaching in an international context. Currently, I am writing a

  • experience in Taiwan, teaching English in two elementary schools, and to those who are interested, hip hop dancing after class. He will be wrapping up his Fulbright commitment in June, and then continuing on to graduate school, which will likely take him back in Chengdu. And he’s still trying to get a handle on the Chinese language. “I will spend hours and hours practicing, and the difficulty will bring me to tears,” Ford said. “But everyone once and awhile, I’ll have a conversation that flows. And that

  • , before finding out this process is now completely automated, an apparent trend in newsmaking. I walk into the anchors’ set, expecting makeup artists dusting faces. I’m surprised to find only three broadcasters, who are quickly identifiable by perfect Hollywood smiles. I step out to talk to a technician, who tells me the show is automated by a computer and describes the process using technical language. I nod and pretend to understand, watching a woman enter numbers into spreadsheets between sips of a

  • their citizenship or immigration status, religion or other status. PLU protects free expression of ideas as vital learning in an educational setting. Freedom of speech sometimes protects controversial ideas and sometimes protects even offensive and hurtful language; however, it does not protect personal threats, discriminatory conduct or other acts of misconduct that violate the Student Code of Conduct, university policies, or federal, state and local laws. I want to reiterate, in the strongest

  • work with a limited knowledge of schools,” she said. The master’s program at PLU “got me to buy into the reason why I’m doing this. It taught me the skills to be a great educator, and a deep-thinking, reflective educator.” Cook believes education is a pathway out of poverty for her students. “It’s so much more than learning algebra or language arts,” she said. “Education is building humans.” Evelyn Cook Principal PrepIntensive PLU program prepares future principals. Alternative Routes to

  • skill set. “I went into my master’s work with a limited knowledge of schools,” she said. The master’s program at PLU “got me to buy into the reason why I’m doing this. It taught me the skills to be a great educator, and a deep-thinking, reflective educator.” Cook believes education is a pathway out of poverty for her students. “It’s so much more than learning algebra or language arts,” she said. “Education is building humans.” Evelyn Cook Principal PrepIntensive PLU program prepares future

  • at professional meetings, such as the Western Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Sciences, Society of Research in Child Development, and Cognitive Science Society. Did you know? PLU Psychology students often work in research labs with faculty and assist in authoring manuscripts for publication. For example, several PLU graduates are co-authors on a study that is currently in press in the peer-reviewed journal "Language and Cognition." Did you know? Want to study away

  • . Mossi cavalry from northern Ghana swept onto the Mossi plateau of central Burkina Faso in the 15th century. Farming peoples, which then included the Dogon, Lela, Winiama, and Nuna, populated this area. Those who did not flee intermarried with the Mossi, resulting in the diversity of sculpture and mask designs found on the plateau today. The contemporary Mossi are primarily famers, tending to crops of millet, sorghum, maize and groundnuts. In the north, some Mossi raise livestock. The Mossi language