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  • For stretcher cases (for example, a person who is unconscious or who has suffered an injured back or a heart attack) call 911 and ask for “fire.” Inform them of the nature of the problem. Stay on the line until told otherwise by the Operator. After caring for the victim, call Campus Safety and Information and report the details. For non-stretcher cases (for example, a person who has suffered a hard bump or a sprained ankle), see to it that the person is taken to the nearest medical facility

  • If a violent incident or some other incident occurs outside your building, please stay inside or shelter-in-place. If there is an imminent threat of violent, the entrance doors should be locked by you or those designated to carry out a lock down in your building. In addition, you should lock classroom or office doors, if possible and hide from view of windows. The university may initiate a modified lock-down where the doors are locked, but normal academics and operations continue. An

  • NP Certificate Information SessionsRegister for a live online information session (hosted on Zoom) to learn more about our Post-Graduate Nurse Practitioner Certificate programs. You will learn about the class schedule, clinicals, tuition, and scholarships. You will also have an opportunity to ask specific questions at the end of the session. Please note that the NP Certificate information sessions are combined with the Doctor of Nursing Practice program. During the session, we will cover

  • Post- Graduate Certificate Program Outcomes1. Functions as a licensed independent practitioner. 2. Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for professional practice. 3. Practices independently managing previously diagnosed and undiagnosed patients. 4. Provides patient-centered care recognizing cultural diversity and the patient or designee as a full partner in decision-making. 5. Educates professional and lay caregivers to provide culturally and spiritually sensitive, appropriate care

  • Free & Open to the PublicWhen: Tuesday, March 6 The Writer’s Story: 4:00PM, Ness Family Lobby Reading: 7:00PM, The Studio TheaterMinal Hajratwala is author of the award-winning epic Leaving India: My Family’s Journey from Five Villages to Five Continents (2009), which was called “incomparable” by Alice Walker and “searingly honest” by the Washington Post. She is also editor of Out! Stories from the New Queer India (2013). Her latest book is Bountiful Instructions for Enlightenment, published by

  • Why Marketing Analysts are Game Changers for Business Companies work diligently to keep a step ahead of their competition, and marketing analysts play a major role in this strategy . Consumers determine where their money goes, but marketing analysts use data to determine why they spend their money where they do, which is… November 27, 2019

  • Classroom Podium Videos Just Launched! Instructional Technologies is proud to announce that three new “Classroom Podium” videos just went live via our YouTube channel and web site. Instructors can now easily familiarize themselves with classroom technology they will be using at the start of the semester, from the convenience of… August 26, 2014 classroomsmedia podiumstutorials

  • Calendar Highlights Legacy Lutes Each fall, Pacific Lutheran University’s community expands to include fresh faces who arrive with a commitment to make the Lute family their family. But for some, they were part of the family well before calling PLU home. The Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations extends a special welcome to our Legacy Lutes – new students whose parents attended the university well before them. We recognize the extra special commitment these alumni show their alma mater, and we are

  • she didn’t like acting or auditioning. So, she spent a year at her community theatre doing everything else — building sets, hanging lights, painting, stage managing and making copies. Those experiences, hard work and camaraderie inspired her to study to be a lighting and scenic designer. “In scenic design, I create the world the characters inhabit, and in lighting design I convey the emotion of moments, often without the audience ever noticing.” In 2012, she moved from the busy Chicago theatre

  • LaTeX document. The main problem is that typesetting is slow (as you have to wait for the server to typeset and return the results). To use these, simply go to one of the following sites, create an account and follow the instructions. Overleaf ShareLaTeX SageMathCloud Installing LaTeX on a PC Go to the MiKTeX and download MiKTeX 2.9. Be sure to install the complete MiKTeX system on your computer. MiKTeX comes with a basic text editor called TeXWorks. You may also want to purchase WinEdt for a more