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  • echoed her frustration. Audrey Knutson ’07, a political science and global studies major, said 10-year-old Marimaua Muya can verbally comprehend what is said but has difficulty understanding what she reads. The Bantu children are still trying to adjust to life in the United States. During one tutoring session, Knutson asked Muya to locate Tacoma on a map of the United States posted in a corner of the classroom. Standing on a chair, Muya’s focus was on the Midwest. She needed prodding from Knutson to

  • and Latino Studies Tamara Williams, Ph.D., has served as the executive director of the Wang Center for 10 years and was tasked with overseeing the merger process.  “First and foremost”, she says, “It should be noted that this merger occurred during the pandemic and that, during this two-year period, not only has the landscape of community engaged learning changed, it also will continue to evolve. Moreover, the pandemic prompted a renewed commitment by PLU to the local community going forward

  • study away for Fall 2020 are now registering for on-campus courses and housing to ensure that their studies will continue uninterrupted, should our programs be cancelled due to the pandemic. Remote-health resources. Just prior to the emergence of COVID-19, PLU launched a new service called Lute Telehealth, which provides students with access to no-cost, on-demand physical and mental healthcare by phone or video chat, regardless of their location. Our on-the-ground Counseling and Health Centers also

  • , and to see meaning-making as a social activity, something negotiated. This is true whether we are working in the classroom or the community center, in print or online.My field, English and Writing Studies, shows us how to read deeply and to understand the world. More specifically, it helps us see, value, and interpret the enormous scope and scale of life and experience. When we see ourselves reflected in a children’s book or when we are seen through our virtual identities, we are situated within a

  • systems change that offer meaningful solutions.” Brian Lloyd ’88 is a vice president at Beacon Development Group, a Seattle-based operation that provides affordable housing consulting services to nonprofits and public housing Authorities. “PLU instilled the idea that I could serve the community,” says Lloyd, who double majored in history and global studies at PLU before earning a master of public policy degree from Harvard University. “After grad school, I realized the place for my service was the

  • national security interests of the United States. The region includes China, which is rapidly assuming prominence on the global stage. Rare are the days that go by without at least one news story on China. Given PLU’s Chinese language studies, its China summer Service Learning program, as well as other international programs sponsored by the Wang center, I thought I would devote a few minutes to this most fascinating country. For the past 20 years, China’s GDP has grown by an average of 9.0% per year

  • substance-abuse diagnosis. My time is split between helping clients work on their symptoms and connecting them to resources to help aid in their recovery. How did studying Psychology at PLU help prepare you for your graduate studies and your current career? Studying Psychology helped form my clinical background prior to going to social-work school, which was helpful because social work largely focused on systems and policies, rather than the individual. I have to say that my ethics came largely from my

  • be drawing for an archaeological project, students not only have to do research and preliminary studies; they also have to communicate with someone else at stages of its development to show the progress and get feedback and make changes based upon that feedback. I saw it as a great opportunity for students to experience. Instead of having one student doing something for him, I tried to give students the opportunity to build something over time. Andrews: My specialty is stone-tool analysis, so I

  • Global Studies. Hometown: Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Accomplishments at PLU: Club Keithley; Women’s Lacrosse; For the King; Relay for Life committee for two years; Study Away in Kolkata, India, through a Service Learning Program; received Van Beek Service Scholarship; 2015 Partner in Education Award from the FPSD; Pinnacle Society; Mortar Board Society; International Sociology Honor Society; Orientation Guide as well as a Student Orientation Coordinator for PLU’s New Student Orientation

  • beliefs, practices, imaginings that people have attempted to erase or eradicate. That’s a different way of thinking about the work.  Maya: Which I think, like Tyler said, is resurfacing, returning, unearthing and making space for things to breathe after having been buried.Narrator: (With a sigh of appreciation into the thoughtful silence following that evocative image, remembering Maya had focused her studies at PLU “around inequality and its intersections with our natural environment.”) Whew. Tyler