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  • starting on May 26th.  Students will also be provided free housing on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Read the Surf flyer 2020 for more information.  Interested students are encouraged to apply on line at  Applicants are required to send their cover letter, official or unofficial transcript, and a prioritized list of four Chemistry Department research groups in which they are interested.  Two letters of recommendation must be sent directly to Debbie Hunt (debhunt

  • of summer research starting on May 26th.  Students will also be provided free housing on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Interested students are encouraged to apply on line at  Applicants are required to send their cover letter, official or unofficial transcript, and a prioritized list of four Chemistry Department research groups in which they are interested.  Two letters of recommendation must be sent directly to Debbie Hunt ( See the Surf

  • Business ScholarshipsThe School of Business has seven scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Students who meet the minimum criteria for a specific scholarship are encouraged to apply. Applications, essays, and resumes should be thoughtfully designed and tailored to the individual scholarship. Only those applicants who meet the criteria will be considered. For additional information on all business scholarships, please contact the PLU School of Business. Information and application forms

  • The Innovation Studies minor offers courses from 10 different academic units, making the program highly flexible. For scheduling purposes, the following 4-year course plan lists the availability of core courses that satisfy the Intro, Principles, and Seminar requirements, including HIST/COMA/PHIL 248 (Innovation Ethics and Society), HIST 121 (History in Video Games), HIST 346 (History of Technology), HIST 247 (U.S. Capitalism: Railroads to Netflix), BUSA 201 (Intro to Business), ECON 101 (Intro

  • CoursesThe Publishing & Printing Arts (PPA) minor at PLU involves three core courses (12 credit hours): The Book in Society, The Art of the Book I, and Publishing Procedures. Students take an additional 8 credit hours from offerings across the curriculum. The current PLU Catalog lists the specific Art & Design, Business, Communication, English, and History courses that fulfill these requirements.The Book in SocietyPPAP 301/ENGL 311/COMA 321ViewThe Art of The Book IPPAP 321/ENGL 313/ARTD

  • ., Economics, Pacific Lutheran University, 2019 Selected Presentations Colloquium-Master's Presentation, Cohomology and Wallpaper Groups, University of Montana (April 2021) UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Extending a Theoretical Framework for Superfund Site Remediation, University of Washington (May 2019) National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Extending a Theoretical Framework for Superfund Site Remediation, Kennesaw State University (April 2019) Accolades MT^2 Fellow: Scholarship program

    Contact Information
    Office Hours
    Mon: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
    Wed: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
    Fri: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
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  •   The anchor tag is a good way to link the user to a specific part of a page. However for it to work correctly it has to be in a separate element row. The anchor tag will direct to whatever element row it is placed in, so if you would like to direct someone to a different set of elements, you have to create a new element row.     Once you are in a new row, or know what row you want to anchor to add in the element and give it a name.     Once that is done it will look something like this     The

  • Congratulations Phi Kappa Phi Inductees! Posted by: priggekl / September 22, 2016 September 22, 2016 Welcome New Phi Kappa Phi Members!We are pleased to congratulate School of Nursing students initiated into Phi Kappa Phi. On May 13, 2016, PLU welcomed the first inductees to Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 333 during an inaugural Initiation Ceremony. Please join us in celebrating the following students for their remarkable achievement and recognition by the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective

  • Giza Alterwajn de Goldfarb Testimonial Giza Alterwajn de Goldfarb, 79, discusses her experiences of sharing her story of surviving the Holocaust and her obligation to testify. Giza was born in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1940. She was smuggled out of the Ghetto as a toddler in a suitcase and was… February 20, 2023

  • InsuranceThere is no charge for an office visit to the PLU Health Center. This applies to all PLU students: domestic and international, graduate and undergraduate. All we ask is to see your PLU ID; we do not require an insurance card or copay. PLU does not require students to have health insurance, but we strongly recommend it. Learn about Affordable Care Act insurance here. Wellness Access Plan BenefitDomestic undergraduate students are a part of the PLU Wellness Access Plan. The Wellness