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  • I never thought I’d study abroad five times and graduate on time When Andy Guinn ’09 came to PLU, the extent of his international travels was a single trip to Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas. That trip was just one…

    September 1, 2009 I never thought I’d study abroad five times and graduate on time When Andy Guinn ’09 came to PLU, the extent of his international travels was a single trip to Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas. That trip was just one week. Considering where he’s been since then – and the amount of time he’s been away – that hardly seems like a big deal. Since Andy arrived at PLU, he’s studied in Italy (twice), Tanzania, South Africa – plus a combined trip to Argentina

  • The Department of Mathematics at Columbia University offers a Master of Arts program in Mathematics with a specialization in the Mathematics of Finance (MAFN). It is co-sponsored by the Department of Statistics, and it draws on the diverse strengths of the university in mathematics, statistics,…

    Mathematics of Finance at Columbia University Posted by: nicolacs / October 29, 2024 October 29, 2024 The Department of Mathematics at Columbia University offers a Master of Arts program in Mathematics with a specialization in the Mathematics of Finance (MAFN). It is co-sponsored by the Department of Statistics, and it draws on the diverse strengths of the university in mathematics, statistics, stochastic processes, numerical methods, and financial applications. We strive for a balance between

  • Glory M. Liu, Johns Hopkins University

    The Seventeenth Dale E. Benson Lecture Glory M. Liu, Johns Hopkins University Glory M. Liu, Johns Hopkins University. Image Credit: Nicole Marie Photograph Our most recent Benson lecturer was Glory M. Liu of Johns Hopkins University, who presented the 17th Dale E. Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History. Dr. Liu’s presentation explored the legacy of Adam Smith in the United States and the influence of Smith’s ideas in American thought, politics, and culture. The lecture was related to

  • This exhibit includes a selection of the library’s print books about women published within the past five years. The books cover a wide variety of issues affecting women’s lives, cultural contexts, political work, artistic achievements, and other issues. The library has an additional 383 e-books…

    On Exhibit: Books in Honor of Women’s History Month Posted by: Holly Senn / March 8, 2023 March 8, 2023 This exhibit includes a selection of the library’s print books about women published within the past five years. The books cover a wide variety of issues affecting women’s lives, cultural contexts, political work, artistic achievements, and other issues. The library has an additional 383 e-books and open access online books with subjects about women that were published from 2018 to 2023. We

  • Information literacy (IL) is often assumed to focus solely on research skills, but it comprises so much more than that.

    learning and impact. We fully acknowledge that all instructors, regardless of their discipline, already incorporate elements of “information literacy” into their teaching, albeit in different ways and using different terminology. Our goal, then, is to provide some additional guidance that can help students bridge the gap between what they know and what they need to know for your course or program.Research StrategiesInformation NeedsLearning from SourcesActivity Ideas What We Have Learned about PLU

  • Pacific Lutheran University seeks faculty with the highest possible qualifications, and offers them conditions of employment commensurate with their professional achievement and conducive to

    environment, and consider alternative methods of teaching and assessment. Remain current in their disciplines; They design, review, and revise courses, reflecting developments in their academic areas. Demonstrate personal and professional integrity; They are truthful and ethical in selecting content, interacting with students and colleagues, and in assessing self. Scholarship Faculty shall provide evidence of competence and continued growth in professional activity. Professionally active faculty

  • Standards of living have increased dramatically worldwide over the past 100 years, yet poverty and inequality remain features of our world.

    justice concerns, the concentration incorporates the approaches of multiple disciplines such as anthropology, economics, literature, history, and religion.“Freedoms are not only the primary ends of development, they are also among its principal means.” -Amartya Sen “Development as Freedom” Approved CoursesRequired of all students in this concentration: GLST 357: Global Development (4) Other course options: ECON 333: Economic Development FREN 204/404: Postcolonial Francophone Fictions HIST 333

  • By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career…

    Alexa and Innovation Research at Amazon Posted by: halvormj / January 31, 2018 January 31, 2018 By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career Connections and Alumni and Constituent Relations. Interested PLU students get a tour, free lunch, and the

  • A Student-Curated Exhibit  This semester Dr. Elisabeth Ward has had the privilege of teaching a course for the History Department entitled “Public Museums”.

    No Labor Lost: Industries of the Labor MovementA Student-Curated Exhibit  This semester Dr. Elisabeth Ward has had the privilege of teaching a course for the History Department entitled “Public Museums”. History students who don’t go into teaching or get an advanced degree can put a B.A. in History to good use at museums, especially smaller regional and local history museums. Scan majors and minors also have promising museum potential, especially in this area. So PLU likes to offer this course

  • Use this form to renew or request new Google Group account for your club or organization. When you click the link, you will see a search bar. To request a group account, as a Club/Org Leader, for a new club/organization: Type into the search bar “Account Requests and Login Issues”. To request access, as a...

    Request Google Group Account for Club/Organization (link) view page Use this form to renew or request new Google Group account for your club or organization. When you click the link, you will see a search bar. To request a group account, as a Club/Org Leader, for a new club/organization: Type into the search bar "Account Requests and Login Issues". To request access, as a Club/Org Leader, to an active group account for your club/org: Type into the search bar "Shared Drive Access (Netstor