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  • Highlights “When you are fire fighting you start out young and you are dating it’s easier. But once you get married and have children, you go on calls when the age of the children are the same age as yours. So, that really brings it home. It’s hard.” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery Class Notes ResoLute Staff Recent Articles

  • Highlights “Children usually do not have control of their situation and therefore are true victims. It becomes more personal since I have children and think of them when a child is hurt or killed.” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University’s flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery Class Notes ResoLute Staff Recent Articles Multiculturalism in Norway Greater Tacoma Peace Prize

  • fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are signed into

  • local college fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you

  • Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Home Archive by category Featured Katie Hunt ’11 Archaeologist Katie Hunt ’11 fought cancer at PLU and wowed the crowd at TED 2014 Let’s go with the first—shall we?—and leave any digging to Hunt. (She is, after all, a trained archaeologist—actually, a paleo-oncologist, to be specific, partly because she’s also a cancer survivor.) And,... By Sandy  /  April 16, 2014 William Foege ’57 Editor’s Note: Tom Paulson met

  • institution’s IRB and cede oversight of the project to your IRB. Please provide the following information to your research collaborator at PLU and they will be able to submit through our online system: signed proof of approval by your institution (primary IRB) a copy of the approved proposal and consent form(s) a copy of the consent form(s) that will be used at PLU (if different from original consent forms) any and all supporting documents (recruitment tools, survey instruments, debriefing, etc.) a

  • Psych for Primary Care (2)1 Credit 2 Credits 1 Credit 3 Credits 2 Credits FallGNUR 797 DNP Project Seminar (1) GNUR 798 DNP Project hours (2) GNUR 735 FNP5 Seminar/Clinical Hours (4) (120 hours) GNUR 717 Management of Substance Abuse and Addiction (elective) (2)1 Credit 2 Credits 4 Credits 2 Credits (elective) J-Term GNUR 797 DNP Project Seminar (1) GNUR 798 DNP Project hours (1) Study Away option (Mexico/DC/Oly/Tacoma)1 Credit 1 Credit SpringGNUR 799 Final DNP Project Seminar (2) GNUR 798 DNP

  • Hours (3) (120 hours) GNUR 717 Management of Substance Abuse and Addiction (2)3 Credits 2 Credits 3 Credits 2 Credits J-TermGNUR 708 Leadership & Resource Management (3)3 Credits SpringGNUR 795 Project Proposal (1) GNUR 796 Project Seminar (2) GNUR 798 Project hours (1) GNUR 743 PMH3 Didactic (2) GNUR 753 PMH3 Seminar/Clinical Hours (3) (120 hours)1 Credit 2 Credits 1 Credit 2 Credits 3 Credits Year 3 SummerGNUR 797 DNP Project Seminar (1) GNUR 798 DNP Project hours (2) GNUR 744 PMH4 Didactic (1

  • Calendar Calendar Highlights Homecoming 2017 Below is a speech, titled “A PLU Story,” originally presented at the 50th reunion dinner for the class of 1967. Tim Sherry ’67 moved the crowd to tears with his story of five basketball players who played together for four years at PLU and have remained friends ever since. Sherry’s story centers on two photographs, pictured below. In addition to the speech, which has been modified for this podcast, Sherry also reads a poem he wrote, inspired by the milestone

  • We get it, it’s confusing to figure out when to take all the classes you need to graduate. And if you’re not sure about your major yet, that just adds to the overwhelm! We’re here to help!  At a Grad Planning Small Group, here’s what we’ll do together: You pick a major to use for planning purposes We show you all of the requirements for your major, Gen Eds, and Graduation We help you place each class where it belongs in your future semesters After just one hour, you get to feel great about