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GEOS 499 - Poster Presentation Rubric - Scientific Content and Research Structure (pdf) view download
GEOS 499 - Poster Presentation Rubric - Scientific Content and Research Structure (pdf) view download
GEOS 499 - Poster Presentation Rubric - Scientific Content and Research Structure (pdf) view download
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SmithProfessor of Biology & Dr. D Eugene and Edith Strandness Endowed Professor (253) 535-7307Dr. Neal YakelisProfessor of Chemistry (253) 535-7554Dr. Angie BoysenAssistant Professor of Chemistry (253) 535-7596Dr. Renzhi CaoAssociate Professor of Computer Science (253) 535-7409Dr. Lathiena NervoAssistant Professor of Biology (253) 535-7376Dr. Dave SongAssistant Professor of Chemistry (253) 535-7555Dr. Dean
Honor Society Induction – 2016 Social Work students helping out at Santa’s Workshop, December 2016 Social Work class tour of Parkland with Nancy Vignec Social Work students and faculty at Hunger Walk. Social Work Grads Social Work J-Term Class in Tobago Social Work J-Term class in Tobago Social Work J-Term class in Tobago
FERPA Authorization to Release Educational Records to Parents (link) view page This form is used to ensure a student's informed written consent before speaking with parents, regarding performance and information contained in his/her educational record.
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MemberSpring 2022 Claire ToddRep. from CCCFaculty MemberSpring 2020 Jennifer Childress-WhiteStaff/admin representative appt. by President's CouncilStaff/AdministratorSpring 2022 Sean LynnStaff/admin representative appt. by President's CouncilStaff/AdministratorSpring 2022 Teri PhilipsAssociate Vice President of Human ResourcesStaff/AdministratorN/A Kris PlaehnExecutive Director of the Center for Student SuccessStaff/AdministratorN/A Mike FrechetteDean of Enrollment Management and Student Financial
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