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  • More than a century after PLU was founded by Norwegian immigrants, the university maintains its connection to the founders’ homeland through study away programs.

    Stephanie Reinhardt, a German professor at the Bø campus, is responsible for alpine ecology and other courses. She says the location is perfect for applying the curriculum they teach. Norway is known for having massive alpine areas, or areas above the forest limit. “Those areas are more and more exposed to environmental impacts and human impacts,” she said. That’s because as climate change advances, species in alpine regions can’t migrate to escape the effects. “For the alpine species, there’s no more

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 1, 2016)- Lt. Brian Bradshaw was an understated leader who put everyone else first. Ask anyone who knew him. Instead of walking with his head down past the crying stranger in the lobby of a residence hall at Pacific Lutheran University, he…

    leaders to make a difference in the Army, Gunovich said. “Brian was that kind of guy,” he said. “Those are the ones who can affect change.” Calata is proof of that philosophy, the result of a chain reaction of Bradshaw’s leadership at PLU.  “He was a year ahead of me and I kind of followed his footsteps,” said Calata, who graduated in 2008 and completed three tours of duty before recently starting his job at the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. Calata said fellow students fondly called him “Brian

  • Immersive experience in classrooms on the other side of the world teach PLU students how to learn on the fly, one of many skills they bring home with them.

    cadre of aspiring teachers in January 2012. The Pacific Lutheran University students knew their lives were about to change during their time studying away in the southern African nation. But neither anticipated just how much. And they didn’t expect one of the biggest changes to take hold before arriving in Windhoek. It’s a long story, and the details waver depending on who tells it, but it starts with a broken TV screen on the airplane, a detour during their layover in Europe and a city full of

  • Three distinct stories of multiculturalism in Norway share one common desire: belonging despite difference.

    in 2011 during a contentious election, fueled by a polarizing debate around recognition of Sámi people. That year, the city council was considering a new designation for Tromsø that would have recognized it as a bilingual township, said Troy Storfjell, an associate professor at PLU who identifies as Sámi. The change, at its core, was aimed at reconciling the institutional efforts made throughout Norway’s history to undermine the language and culture of the Sámi, the only indigenous group in the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 20, 2016)- It’s the season for awards, banquets, recognition and a whole lot of celebrating for Pacific Lutheran University students as they approach Commencement 2016. The ceremony will mark the culmination of several years of hard work, community involvement and the pursuit…

    itself; it’s the idea of change that is stressful or forced,” she said. “So these sculptures are about where I am in life right now, and how growing up is.” After graduation, Henderson said she plans to take some time off and then pursue jobs in the arts industry. However, she said she may also look into animal or pet care. “Animals, very apparent in my artwork, are my second passion,” she said. “So a job in the pet-care industry would also suit me and also inform my art at the same time, which is

  • For two decades, the Makah people have welcomed PLU students to Neah Bay to learn about the tribe’s culture and history.

    have every year for 21 of the past 23 years. The faces of the Pacific Lutheran University students who filed into the store were new, but that didn’t matter. “Are you guys PLU?” someone asked. “Where’s Dave?” David Huelsbeck, professor of anthropology at PLU, says the greeting from the Makah tribe stays the same, even as the students enrolled in his January Term course change: “Welcome back to Neah Bay.” Huelsbeck has brought a small group of students to the furthermost tip of the Olympic Peninsula

  • Be a Catalyst for ChangeThe Innovation Studies minor combines PLU’s unique offerings in the libera

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    will change the game so drastically. Ultimately it will come from a place that we don’t see coming. For now, though, a decade-defining show has come to a close and our watch has ended. Damian Alessandro is a recent graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, where he majored in History and minored in Innovation Studies and Chinese Studies. If you are interested in more of his work or have questions or comments about this article, you can reach him at Read Previous PLU adds

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 6, 2016)-The seventh episode of “Open to Interpretation” features a discussion of the word “failure” among host and Associate Professor of Communication Amy Young, Associate Professor of Art and Design Jp Avila , and Assistant Professor of Business Kory Brown . “Open…

    own professional failures, my personal failures are legion. My professional failures, I’m thinking, when I first started trying to publish my writing, you have to develop a really thick skin about failure. You also have to be able to figure out, and it is kind of a problem solving issue like you’re talking about, Jp, where, “Okay, this thing didn’t work. Is it this thing that wasn’t working?” To try to suss out the mystery of what about an essay is it and not change the parts that are good about

  • Equip Students to Change the World Through a unique blend of academically rigorous liberal arts and professional programs, students develop skills in decision-making, analysis, communication and reasoning — all through in-classroom and experiential learning, innovative academic programs, and internships and research opportunities. Support this robust learning experience and the change it makes possible with your investment today. School of Arts & Communication``The incredible work that our