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  • group projects and was wary of this one at first. In the end, the experience turned out to be fun, and she enjoyed letting her imagination run wild while writing the script. She said it wasn’t hard to relate the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah to contemporary times. “I think people will probably remember more of the biblical stories now after seeing these videos than trying to read from Old Testament,” she said. “It really puts it into perspective.” For more information about the competition

  • argument, that the interest rate should be left alone for now, was developed in concert with economics majors Drew Gardner, Amy Spieker, Justin Peterson and Kelby May. The argument eventually won the day as the group debated into the afternoon. Debates like this, whether as a learning tool or the real thing, are what make economics exciting, Gould said. “It’s not like there is one right answer in economics,” he said. “Economics really forces one to rely on their thinking skills.” During the conference

  • Houston, oboist Shannon Spicciati and pianist Sheila Bristow, to perform the songs. All are lecturers in PLU’s music department. “The experience was just so rewarding,” Youtz said. “It was delightful to work with people who are so gifted and technically talented.” Both Senn and Youtz praised the work of Artist Trust and its continued support of the arts in Washington state. The nonprofit organization was founded in 1987 by a group of arts patrons and artist concerned about the lack of support for

  • August 18, 2010 Contributions to Excellence By Steve Hansen Alumnae are a proud group of people. Instilled with a passion to give of themselves. Jean (Hesla ’50) Kopta is no exception. Kopta graduated from PLU in 1950 with the bachelor’s degree in education. Jean (Hesla ’50) Kopta. Later in her life, she returned to school to obtain her Master’s degree in vocal performance. Her passion was to share her love of singing and music by teaching voice lessons. She landed at PLU at the Department of

  • variety of food interests, including Danielle Palmer, President of PLU’s Food Club, Justin Lytle, PLU Assistant Professor of Chemistry, and Holly Foster, owner of Zestful Gardens. “The fact that they could talk all morning – it showed that common interest in food that was binding them,” McKenna said. After the morning roundtable, the group toured Dining Services and spent the afternoon in a hands-on cooking lesson from fellow presenter Glenn Kuehn, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University

  • the Holocaust must be studied, its victims must be remembered, human rights and dignity must be honored through our daily beliefs and actions, and yet the search for “lessons” drawn from the Holocaust and genocide is a never-ending process. “You sometimes get students saying, ‘Oh, this again,’ when they see Holocaust in the syllabus,” said Kadden. But the minor will push students to look beyond the pat answer or assumptions, he said. An interdisciplinary group of eight faculty members worked

  • Georgia is an educational tour, during which participants will visit symbolic sites such as the Civil Rights Memorial/Southern Poverty Law Center and the Rosa Parks Museum to learn about the history of the Civil Rights movement. ● The international option: Traveling with PLU’s School of Business to Nicaragua, participants will take a course on how nonprofits and social business can affect the local economy and community through a meaningful project. Students will work as group to install a well for a

  • it will be interesting to see how this affects their lives later on.” Mulder said he appreciates how Living Water handles the relationships with the village residents. “There is relationship-building going on before we get there,” he said. “It’s not like we swoop in and say, ‘Here’s your well.’” Near the end of the trip, the group also visited a cooperative farm that raises honeybees, selling the honey for profit. PLU has participated in the micro-financing venture for the business. Mulder became

  • April 6, 2014 New Series of Hebrew Idol Premieres—Your Vote Counts! By Shunying Wang ’15 The new PLU Hebrew Idol season is here, with another group of talented Lutes. And, just as with its inspiration, American Idol, it’s up to voters to determine the winner. Hebrew Idol is a microfilm competition series organized by Religion Professor Antonios Finitsis. Students in his introductory course on the Hebrew Bible—Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible—are required to apply their

  • provided.”Marilyn Anderson also remembers the closeness with her professors and her cohort group. Hospitals just waited for PLU nursing students to graduate so they could snap them up, she said. “I was working at one internship, and they offered me a job at the hospital the day I graduated,” she said. Professors were so in tune with their students, they also noticed when you didn’t show up for class, she laughed. “I remember one 8 a.m. religion class I didn’t