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  • their ability to respond to the crisis effectively. Several students wondered why the Chinese commissioner in charge of dealing with the opium crisis seemed to spend more time writing poetry than communicating with the emperor. In the end, a panel of student judges made up from visiting Chinese champs and PLU students handed the victory to the team that argued that China was responsible for the war. After the debate, which was initiated and sponsored by PLU’s China Studies Program, the students

  • staff to draw on the interdisciplinarity emphasized throughout their PLU education. Tutors sometimes work in their areas of expertise, but they also regularly step outside their comfort zone to help with subjects that might not be quite so familiar to them.  On any given day, PLC staff may be balancing out formulas or helping students write essays. For example, Nick, an English Writing and Hispanic Studies major who aspires to be a poet, helps students understand algebraic equations, too. The beauty

  • PLU’s General Education Program prepares graduates to ask significant questions, engage relevant knowledge, and wrestle with complex issues.

    the world from various perspectives. PLU thus educates students for courageous lives: lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care – for other people, their communities, and the earth. General Education is important for who you are and who you will become. We invite you to see the way in which this program intersects with your major and electives, and prepares you for meaningful careers and courageous lives.Quick Links Course Catalog 2024-25 GenEd Program Info General Education LOs

    General Education
    Administration Building, Room 103 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • By Michael Halvorson, Professor of History. Welcome to our blog—the place for learning everything about History at Pacific Lutheran University! Today’s post is about PLU History major Michael Diambri ‘18 , a Lute who graduated in May with a B.A. in History along with minors…

    ,” Diambri said. “I was especially excited to work with such a diverse and talented group of young scholars, who each brought their own perspective to their work and helped to create such a lively, stimulating environment.” The setting was not that much different than what Diambri encountered in his historical methodology course (History 301) or the history capstone, a mind-expanding treat for most PLU history majors. A Passion for Research Diambri visits The Stonewall Inn, a key site associated with the

  • didn’t graduate from four-year, degree-granting institutions in the U.S. The community allows students to develop their own definition of what it means to be first, while also benefiting from the shared experiences of their peers. It also allows them to explore the ways in which their first-generation status intersects with other salient identities, and how those shape their college experiences. In addition to the residential community, first-generation Lutes are invited to attend first-in-the-family

  • philanthropy by the power of our life stories. If you have ever wondered about the power of philanthropy, please come be inspired by the award winning work and experience of Monica Powers.

  • By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19.  This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one. It…

    makerspace in Hinderlie Hall, and our class will be meeting there periodically to complete brainstorming sessions on whiteboards, design art in groups, and build simple product prototypes that they would love to see.  We’ll also be studying the history of popular products and some of their unintended consequences, many of which were surprising, unexpected, or problematic.” Of course, students taking Hist 248/Phil 248 will also have a chance to declare an Innovation Studies minor, which they can do