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educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care — for other people, for their communities and for the Earth.” Many things have changed since Norwegian Lutheran pioneers founded PLU in 1890, but hospitality still is significant. For example, when a new student is accepted to PLU, they can expect a personal congratulatory phone call. “We do some old-school things that are now considered high customer service because you just aren’t used to it,” Ferguson said. Admission
Relationship by family or marriage constitutes neither an advantage nor a deterrent to appointment by the university, provided that the individual meets the appropriate standards for the position to be filled and provided that the individual will not be in the chain of supervision of a spouse, family member, or person with whom the individual is dating. Employment will be denied under the following circumstances: Where one family member would have the authority or practical power to supervise
Pacific Lutheran University’s Sexual Misconduct policy covers student to student-related concerns of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence or Domestic Violence (“Relationship Violence”) and Stalking. Please see the Sexual Misconduct Policy in its entirety.
Cruz | holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a Spanish as a Second Language instructor. At ICO, he teaches Spanish, Spanish for Medicine Students, and Spanish courses online. Gloria Molina Gaytán | is in the process of completing her PhD in Neotropical Biodiversity, Conservation, and Natural Resources Management at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CIIDIR, Oaxaca). Her doctoral thesis focuses on the measurement of water quality through the monitoring of macroinvertebrates in the Atoyac River, which
customer information. Regulations carrying out this act are in effect as of May 23, 2003. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, PLU adopted a policy and procedures to protect the privacy of “protected health information” (PHI) such as medical and counseling records. The University’s privacy officer is the
, status, navigation, missing credentials, etc., please contact GradCAS Customer Service at: 857-304-2042 / gradcasinfo@liaisoncas.comInternational applicants and those with degrees and coursework from institutions outside the US have additional transcript and application requirements please review the additional requirements for International Applicants.
All staff employees are employed on an at will basis. This means that both the employee and the University may end the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, with or without advance notice or cause. Nothing in this Personnel Manual is intended to or shall be interpreted to change the at will nature of a staff employee’s employment at PLU. Similarly, nothing in this Personnel Manual is intended to or shall be interpreted to make any promise of specific treatment in any specific
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Posted on December 1, 2017October 31, 2018 The Environmental Politics of Study Away: a US citizen’s role in the lives of indigenous Mexicans As an Environmental Policy minor, it is of great importance to me to understand the viewpoints of local people, conceptions of geography, cultural practices, and general ideas about people’s relationship with the land in the context of certain ecological issues and phenomena. Throughout my activities studying very specific places and issues as an
Posted on December 1, 2017October 31, 2018 The Environmental Politics of Study Away: a US citizen’s role in the lives of indigenous Mexicans As an Environmental Policy minor, it is of great importance to me to understand the viewpoints of local people, conceptions of geography, cultural practices, and general ideas about people’s relationship with the land in the context of certain ecological issues and phenomena. Throughout my activities studying very specific places and issues as an
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